Intervention In Divine Creation
by wajd
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Intervention In Divine Creation
Man's disruption of the balance of nature
Concept author(s)
Wajd Al Merri
Concept author year(s) of birth
Concept author(s) contribution
I have thought of this concept, then through a process created my image.
Concept author(s) Country
United Arab Emirates
Friendly Competition
Competition category
Visual communication practice
Competition subcategory
Competition field
Competition subfield
Subfield description
American University of Sharjah
Check out the Food Democracy 2013 outlines of Memefest Friendly competition.
Description of idea
Describe your idea and concept of your work in relation to the festival outlines:
I have chosen to take an ethical standpoint based on the morals and beliefs within our culture. I believe that all divine creations must not be altered or changed in any way. This would disturb the balance of nature. While some might be blinded by the reaps of today little do they know that they may be deprived of it tomorrow.
What kind of communication approach do you use?
I have used visual iconography to represent a grander idea or concept behind my image.
What are in your opinion concrete benefits to the society because of your communication?
An overall increased awareness to this issue. Also, helping the viewer shape and opinion through critically analyzing the image I have created.
What did you personally learn from creating your submitted work?
The process included a huge amount of research, and it has come to my attention that the vast amounts of modified foods are imports. Therefore, individuals within our society have little or no knowledge about this issue of genetic alterations of food.
Why is your work, GOOD communication WORK?
I believe that I have used commonly known iconographic images to represent my concept and communicate to the viewers my message.
Where and how do you intent do implement your work?
Since this is an issue faced worldwide, this means that the image may be addressed to international audience. I would most probably use the internet as a medium to get my image across to the maximum number of people worldwide.
Did your intervention had an effect on other Media. If yes, describe the effect? (Has other media reported on it- how? Were you able to change other media with your work- how?)