Bt Campaign

by hakolar

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Bt Campaign


100% Clinically Active

Concept author(s)

Rebecca Hakola, Author of Concept and Designer

Concept author year(s) of birth


Concept author(s) contribution

Rebecca Hakola - Author of Concept and Designer, Bt Campaign: Rebecca Hakola is a Scandinavian/Australian designer, currently in her final year at the Queensland College of Art in Brisbane, Australia. With a multidisciplinary approach to design and unique autonomy of thought and style, Rebecca is developing her formula for effective communication through design. Every project she undertakes draws inspiration from her Scandinavian and Australian backgrounds, offering fresh and defined outcomes that speak to the mind of individuals.

Concept author(s) Country


Friendly Competition

Food Democracy (2013)

Competition category

Visual communication practice

Competition subcategory


Competition field


Competition subfield


Subfield description

Griffith University, Queensland College of Art Bachelor of Design, Major: Visual Communication

Check out the Food Democracy 2013 outlines of Memefest Friendly competition.

Description of idea

Describe your idea and concept of your work in relation to the festival outlines:

As the fight for food democracy wages, relatively little has been yielded to interact directly with Generation Y, and encourage ‘commitment to the rights and power of the’ young ‘individual consumer’ (Roff RJ 2003, p. 514).

To highlight the threats on our food systems, and the repercussions it has on the future of humanity, I have created a series of graphic posters to cohere with a campaign (Bt Campaign) based on the relationships between: Genetically Engineered / Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), Agrobiotechnology and their impact on the Global Food Market.

Highlighting both threats to the individual and shared community, I hope to focus my attention on developing individual rationality and responsibility. These graphics work hand in hand to promote neoteric approaches to the defetishisation that is needed amongst our generation. I hope to present a solution that will emphasise the need to understand our current reality, and a crucial shift in value towards FOOD.

The 'Bt' stands for 'Bacillus Thuringiensis', a microbial spray pesticide ("natural pesticide") that has been used by farmers and home gardeners for years. Questions are now rising as produce, livestock and anything that feeds off them, may be carrying more than what they bargained for.

What kind of communication approach do you use?

I have used both print and digital medium. I feel this combination is affective in reaching the millennial learner. SPECIFICS - The posters are large in size - AO (1189 x 841 mm). - Minimal, yet eye-catching. - Bold colour and negative space draw attention to illustrations. - Digital features (such as the QR Reader) allow for quick access to the web. Bonus: No need to remember URL’s. Shock tactics are used through Utopian illustrations and also the size of the posters (as opposed to general A4 and A3). This is to catch the attention of the viewer, however, the campaign’s underlining purpose is to influence a ‘trend of understanding purpose and influence’ amongst Generation Y.

What are in your opinion concrete benefits to the society because of your communication?

The BT campaign is a fresh take on capturing the imagination and conscience of Generation Y. The eye-catching visuals pull in the target audience and draw attention to the issues at large.

The poster collection represents three catergories;
GMO Toxicology
GMO Science
GMO Labelling

Bt’s aim is to reinvent the value of food amongst ‘Gen-Why?’.

The mission is to use captivating, almost Utopian illustration and extensive information to entertain, educate and inspire. Visuals used aim to challenge what young minds “think they know everything about” and introduce new and personal angles of looking at the problem.

This campaign hopes to break the locks of fetishisation, and its stronghold on a generation that does not quite understand their influence in the shaping of food culture, and ultimately... the future itself.

What did you personally learn from creating your submitted work?


GMO Toxicology and data provided by GMO research is forever changing what FOOD means to the survival of humanity. Children born today will be eating this food for their whole life - what we choose to overlook will affect the long-term toxicology of our future generations.

GMO Science - “Scientists have expressed concern that pest-insects are becoming resistant to the very toxins designed to ward them off crops...” (Berry, S 2012).

A purple tomato may appear larger, contain less or no seeds and possess high traces of antioxidants - however - proven disruptions to liver and kidney function, deteriorating heart health and general wellbeing SHOULD enforce a need for shifts in food value (particularly that of creating new “species” of foods).

GMO Labelling - We live in an environment that does not value clarity and individual research. Fine print is almost always overlooked.

In Australia, food products containing GMO; either as a whole food, or as an ingredient in processed food, must have their GM status identified. However, there are loop holes;

- Foods where GM ingredients are highly modified (cooking oils, margarine, starches, chocolates, bakes goods) require no mention.

- Foods made at bakeries, restaurants and takeaways require no mention.

- Companies are allowed up to 1% of GM organisms in food without labelling required.

* Source: Pazzano, C, SBS News, November 15 2012

Why is your work, GOOD communication WORK?

I do not believe the opinions of “Gen-Why?” are as blurred as they appear to be. I’m asking the millennial generation to start asking questions, seek more involvement and invest into their future.

Image is a battleground over perception. Food is not simply something that is envisioned. Food is image. This is why there is such a powerful emphasis on aesthetics over function - yet in this case, the function of the food to sustain our bodies (as one example) is what we require in order to survive.

The Bt posters and campaign are cultivated to appear a particular way: to challenge the current image of food. Ideally it acts to eliminate the projection of problems from our past into the future, and tip the scales of preception vs. reality into the favour of the latter.

Reality is what we’ll face. It’s about time “Gen-Why?” stood up to the challenge.

Where and how do you intent do implement your work?

- Universities
- Popular “Millennial” hangouts
- Bars / Restaurants
- Supermarkets

Basically wherever a surface can accomodate a poster. Gen-Y is everywhere.

Did your intervention had an effect on other Media. If yes, describe the effect? (Has other media reported on it- how? Were you able to change other media with your work- how?)

The visuals have caught the attention of many students on my university campus, due to their "alien-like" nature. As I plan to implement this further, I believe Facebook And Twitter accounts may increase its social impact and create more of a following.

Curators Comments
