The Perfect Tomato
This work has been commented by 1 curator(s). Read the comments
The Perfect Tomato
You Just Bought
Concept author(s)
Hayley Smith
Concept author year(s) of birth
Concept author(s) contribution
Designer, author, editor
Concept author(s) Country
Hayley Smith
Friendly Competition
Competition category
Visual communication practice
Competition subcategory
Competition field
Competition subfield
Subfield description
UTS Visual Communication
Check out the Food Democracy 2013 outlines of Memefest Friendly competition.
Description of idea
Describe your idea and concept of your work in relation to the festival outlines:
My project is an interactive book that tests and questions the physical and nutritional characteristics of a modern supermarket tomato. The past decade has seen many changes in the international production of commercial
tomatoes. My design asks users to investigate the sensual characteristics of their tomato and question what it is lacking and why. Through applying the tests and reading the information provided, users gain insight into
some of the agricultural practices that are taking place and the effect they are having on the tomatoes.
What kind of communication approach do you use?
An interactive book that allows users to test their own commercial tomato and read about agricultural practices that are affecting modern tomatoes.
What are in your opinion concrete benefits to the society because of your communication?
It provides information and insight into modern agricultural practices that are changing the food we eat. It also encourages the positive solution of growing tomatoes, which would benefit society with higher nutrition and greater taste, without the unnatural residue of ethylene gas, herbicides and pesticides.
What did you personally learn from creating your submitted work?
I personally learnt a lot about modern industrial agriculture, the practices that are occurring and the affect they have on the food available to us.
Why is your work, GOOD communication WORK?
Most of all because it is interactive and personal. Users relate the information to a vegetable they have bought and test the characteristics of a bought tomato for themselves for themselves.
Where and how do you intent do implement your work?
Ideally, the book would be available to purchase for a low price (or free) online for those interested and would be marketed on social media websites.
Did your intervention had an effect on other Media. If yes, describe the effect? (Has other media reported on it- how? Were you able to change other media with your work- how?)
Curators Comments
Tony Credland
As an educational tool this project works well, guiding the viewer through simple steps that on one level inform and also test the audiences perceptions. I find this an interesting subject where we have all been slowly persuaded, through a gradual perfecting of fruit and veg, that there is only one variety left available. This project reveals how we often forget how the shapes vary and the tastes change and this diversity in an important part of our food culture. The way that the size colour and taste of basic fruit and veg are dictated by large supermarkets has meant that many small firms have gone out of business creating a vicious cycle race to the base.
The design style is relevant and the interactive format is engaging for the reader, I can imagine this being a useful tool for further discussions and understanding.