Think Type Send

by wanyii

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Think Type Send


Think Type Send

Concept author(s)

Wan Yi Beh

Concept author year(s) of birth


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Friendly Competition

Radical intimacies: dialogue in our times (2014)

Competition category

Visual communication practice

Competition subcategory


Competition field


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Subfield description

Swinburne University of Technology

Check out the Radical intimacies: dialogue in our times 2014 outlines of Memefest Friendly competition.

Description of idea

Describe your idea and concept of your work in relation to the festival outlines:

I am using Pac Man as my hero of the theme, with elements of it, for instance, pixelation and characters to represent the use of electronic devices. As Pac Man being my hero of the theme, I basically use the idea of the game - Pac Man being chased by ghosts while eating away the yellow dots. In my version, the Pac Man is being the innocent person on the internet and ghosts as the bullies that tend to leave unwanted criticism. Being chased (stalked) by ghosts (bullies) on the internet, Pac Man (bullied person) is forced to eat away all the criticism left by ghosts. Pac Man aims to attracts the correct age group of people (generation Y and Z), that goes online more often than other generations, with the graphic as plus points it attracts attention as Pac Man is one of the most favorable game of all times."

What kind of communication approach do you use?

Visual Stimulation

What are in your opinion concrete benefits to the society because of your communication?

Everyone is typically amazed by the rapid growth of internet, and what it can do to help us in our lives. Unfortunately, most people are all focus on the advantages of social media, they neglected a vast amount of issues created by it. One of the severe issue would be cyberbully that society pretty much overlooked. In the era of internet, everyone wants to be in ‘dialogue’. Through the use of social medias, it is pretty much how everyone spent 90% of their communicating time communicate with one another. My campaign ‘Think Type Send’ is to raise awareness of the impact of bullying, that hurts more people we may never realise. Experiencing bullying can increase a person’s chances of developing anxiety or depression, and worst of all, suicidal. It can happen to anyone, it might happen to you, your friend or someone online.

What did you personally learn from creating your submitted work?

I learned about how influential advertising is, and must put into good use. This is my very first advertising campaign, as well as submitting it to a competition. I am taking this opportunity to raise the one of the social issues, in hope at least I make a bit of difference.

Why is your work, GOOD communication WORK?

I am using Pac Man as my hero of the theme, with elements of it, for instance, pixelation and characters to represent the use of electronic devices. As Pac Man being my hero of the theme, I basically use the idea of the game - Pac Man being chased by ghosts while eating away the yellow dots. In my version, the Pac Man is being the innocent person on the internet and ghosts as the bullies that tend to leave unwanted criticism. Being chased (stalked) by ghosts (bullies) on the internet, Pac Man (bullied person) is forced to eat away all the criticism left by ghosts. Pac Man aims to attracts the correct age group of people (generation Y and Z), that goes online more often than other generations, with the graphic as plus points it attracts attention as Pac Man is one of the most favorable game of all times."

Where and how do you intent do implement your work?

Mostly like in public spaces, whereby 2 out of my 3 medias are billboard advertisement and poster, and last media is a sticker that holds on to whether users would like to spread awareness by sticking in their cars, retails, etc.

Did your intervention had an effect on other Media. If yes, describe the effect? (Has other media reported on it- how? Were you able to change other media with your work- how?)


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