Grams for Justice
by MarianaHenao
This work has not been commented by curators.
Grams for Justice
Grams for Justice
Concept author(s)
Mariana Henao
Concept author year(s) of birth
Concept author(s) contribution
Idea and Illustration
Concept author(s) Country
Mariana Henao
Designer(s) year(s) of birth
Designer(s) Country
Friendly Competition
Competition category
Visual communication practice
Competition subcategory
Competition field
Competition subfield
Subfield description
Universidad de Caldas / Artes y Humanidades / Diseño Visual
Check out the Pleasure 2016 outlines of Memefest Friendly competition.
Description of idea
Describe your idea and concept of your work in relation to the festival outlines:
The idea for this work is to motivate more photographs or "grams" on the media based on Social Justice. The same way we share food/ clothing/ lifestyle photographs that generate pleasure, we can share photographs of acts of social justice that can produce pleasure to those seeing it.
What kind of communication approach do you use?
What are in your opinion concrete benefits to the society because of your communication?
Motivation to act and share, inspiring others as well.
What did you personally learn from creating your submitted work?
It's important to have images motivating and reminding us constantly about our responsibilities as humans to this earth and society. Encouraging more photographs on Social Justice acts, therefore creating pleasure on those seeing those photographs, would really help get our society moving.
Why is your work, GOOD communication WORK?
It's simple, and communicates its message in an effective way.
Where and how do you intent do implement your work?
Publishing online posters on social media such as Facebook and Instagram
Did your intervention had an effect on other Media. If yes, describe the effect? (Has other media reported on it- how? Were you able to change other media with your work- how?)