A Chemical Addiction

by amvande3

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A Chemical Addiction


The comparison of coffee to prescription drugs

Concept author(s)

Anina van der Vorst

Concept author year(s) of birth


Concept author(s) contribution


Concept author(s) Country

United States of America

Friendly Competition

Pleasure (2016)

Competition category

Visual communication practice

Competition subcategory


Competition field


Competition subfield


Subfield description

North Carolina State University / College of Design / Graphic Design

Check out the Pleasure 2016 outlines of Memefest Friendly competition.

Description of idea

Describe your idea and concept of your work in relation to the festival outlines:

When thinking about pleasure, my mind first went to the cup of coffee that sat on my desk. I thought about how much of a ritual my morning cup of coffee is and how the flavors and warmth of the coffee bring me such joy. Much like many people use medicine to make them feel better, coffee is my drug and I can't imagine going a day without it.

What kind of communication approach do you use?

Visual metaphor

What are in your opinion concrete benefits to the society because of your communication?

Coffee is like a drug.

What did you personally learn from creating your submitted work?

I often associated memes with silly pictures with relatable text overlayed on the image. After re-examining what I define as a meme, I was able to push my ideas further.

Why is your work, GOOD communication WORK?

The image contains metaphors that are easily recognizable and the connection between the two objects is clear enough for quick understanding.

Where and how do you intent do implement your work?

This was created as assignment to a class project.

Did your intervention had an effect on other Media. If yes, describe the effect? (Has other media reported on it- how? Were you able to change other media with your work- how?)


Curators Comments
