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by Rebecca

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Concept author(s)

Rebecca Anne Banks

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Friendly Competition

Debt. (2012)

Competition category

Critical writing

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I am a Poet/Singer/Songwriter/Musician/Writer/Artist/Philosopher, the sole CEO/Artist at Tea at Tympani Lane Records,

Check out the Debt. 2012 outlines of Memefest Friendly competition.

About work


In the West, as the 21st Century rolls into the New Economy with reduced employment and a cultural overhang that creates sexual licentiousness, sexual violation issues and shopping therapy, our dear "Piggy" finds themselves with too much credit card debt, committing bankruptcy. You will laugh, you will cry, you will want to read more as the story unfolds . . .


Personal Debt, Piggy, Bankruptcy, 21st Century Society

Editors Comments

Steve Keen

This is a rather poetic piece that shows the demoralization of the modern culture around excesses. Rebecca lucratively shows how society has been seduced consumerism as a temporary satisfaction and how easy it is one to loose their morality in the midst of taking on personal debt. She demonstrates how consumerism as a system that recreates itself, inflicting a black hole on our soles.
