

I came along a realy great project - a set of deck playing cards made with the help of 28 illustrator all over the world.

They visualised Wall Street executives and politicians who were (and still are) the master of (financial) distaster.


The cards are on sale through ROCKETHUB – crowfunding engine.
Another goal of the group is to print up a 1000 ecks of card to give out on the street for free on September 17, the one year anniversary of the first U.S: occupy gathering in New York
As you can see they already succeded.

The organisators said:« While occupiers are no longer in the park, they are hard at work figuring out how to use people-power to hold big time finance guys and institutions accountable for the total mess they have caused. We think the cards will be a great way to bring people – including you! – into the issues. (Do you know what a CDO is, or how the banks are using it to continue their subprime lending? Well, you should, and the information in this deck, and on our site, will help). Especially as we come up to the election, these issues are very salient.

The illustrations are great, and the project –as well is great!


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12 years, 2 months

reminds me the counter-cards from the invation of Irak in 2003
im going to translate them to spanish