
Keep the Fire Burning! Memefest FOOD DEMOCRACY Seminar/Workshop/ Direct Action event in Brisbane

This years Memefest event will be held from November 4th to November 11th in Brisbane. We are very exited to announce that the project will be a special collaboration with the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy. Investigating further the topic of Food Democracy, we will focus on the Embassy's food program and create communication design/art that will through intervention in the city of Brisbane aim to support the Aboriginal Embassy's efforts to distribute food among local deprivileged aboriginal (and other) communities as well as make the general Embassy's voice more heard.

The international event will be structured as a conference- seminar/workshop/direct action. Workshop will be mentored. Participation at the event is by invitation only however we are open for anyone that is interested to collaborate, so let us know via email, we will be happy to hear from you.

The event is hosted by the Queensland College of Art and is part of the second Memefest/QCA Award for Imaginative Critical Intervention. Read more about it and check the curated works and their authors here:


Before the event there will be a preparation phase: texts, films, discussions. We will also work till November with members of the Brisbane Sovereign Aboriginal Embassy to distill the issues we will research and work on.

For now have a look at the four part documentary about the history of the National Embassy in Canberra, which is part of the history of the Embassy in Brisbane too:


And also check the video about the Brisbane Embassy:


We will announce in the coming weeks more details about the event. You can check what happened on our last years event, here:


More soon! :)


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10 years, 10 months

This looks to be a fantastic collaborative project. Will be great to have an external outlook and input on Food Democracy.

10 years, 9 months

This sounds like it will be an interesting intervention and a great opportunity for communication subversion. I look forward to it. :)