
Memefest Brisbane Seminar/Workshop/ Intervention- Food Democracy PROGRAM DRAFT!

So..here we go. Bellow is a draft of the program for the event here in Brisbane that will take place from the 4.11.-11.11. http://tinyurl.com/l3m28mm

(update (25.10): there have already been few changes made since this was posted)

Have a look, especially the event participants, and let us know what you think. The finished version will be published end of this following week.


10.00 Registration & Welcome to Country

10.30 Introductions of participants

11.00 Food Democracy Lecture (speaker to be announced)

11.30 Radical research methodologies panel discussion (Zala Volcic- UQ, George Petelin- QCA, Jason Grant-Jordan Mcguire-Ben Mangan: Inkahoots, Oliver Vodeb-Memefest/QCA)

12.30 Lunch

1.30 A look in to last years Memefest Brisbane workshop/intervention: George Petelin and Oliver Vodeb

2.00 Bil Platz Lecture-QCA: Zombie culture in protest and activism

2.45 George Petelin Lecture: Problems with Food: Production, Distribution, Mediation, Consumption

3.30 Excursion to Voice and Reason, with a tour of the exhibition conducted by curators at the Queensland Art Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA).
*The exhibition highlights contrasting voices and draws attention to the reasoning, knowledge and experience behind the work of Indigenous artists, some in dialogue with works by non-Indigenous artists.

5.00 Group discussions outside of GOMA

6.30 Design Exhibition at QCA


Recipients of the Memefest/QCA 2013 Award for Imaginative Critical Intervention presentations

9.30 Mariano Mussi (Argentina)
10.00 Miha Mazzini and Marko Plahuta (Slovenija)
10.30 Mohammad Naser (Bangladesh)

11.00 Robert Perkin Food Connect, Lecture: 'The democracy principle, getting real!’

11.45 Break

12.00 Lecture/Presentation Aboriginal Culture, the Sovereign Embassy & Food Distribution: Wayne Wharton, Karen Fusi

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Mark Andrejevic Lecture "Curtailing Surveillance: Ag-Gag Laws and Activism"

14.45 Alana Hunt Lecture: On Aboriginal Art and Intercultural communication/relations/problems

15.30 Eugenio Tiselli Skype Presentation (from Kigali, Rwanda): ojoVoz project/ICT and Agriculture

16.15 Break

16.25 Oliver Vodeb Lecture: "Everybody Must Get Stoned! Food, Drugs and Social Control"

17.00 Break

cca 18h Evening and dinner at the Woolongabba art gallery

WEDNESDAY November 6th

9.30 Presentation of works related to Aboriginal culture and/or Food democracy: QCA academics and students:

9.30 Bianca Beetson
9.50 Susan Ostling
10.10 Bob Mercer

10.30 Oscar Waugh
10.45 Thomas Roohan
11.00 Sophie Van der Drift
11.15 Dru Handebo
11.30 Kelsey Hutchinson

11.45 Break

12.00 Phil Winzer, Boe Spearim, Callum Clayton Dixon: Presentation of the Aboriginal Sovereignty Manifesto

13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00 Workshop in groups

18.00 Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy meeting in Musgrave Park

19.30 Drinks in West End

THURSDAY November 7th

10.00 Critical Photo Journalism and Presentation of the Australian Photo Journalist publication: Food Issue, Alan Hill and Joe Ruckli

11.00 Workshops

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Critiques on workshop process including Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy members

14.30 Workshops

17.00 Movies on Indigenous Culture and Food Issues

18.00 Evening: Free

FRIDAY November 8th

9.30 Workshop- Group Work

10.30 “Political cooking” lunch Cooking session (concept/theme to be announced)

12.30 Lunch at QCA

13.30 Workshop

18.00 Free evening

SATURDAY November 9th

11.00 Workshop /production of media

13.00 Lunch
14.00 Workshop /production of media

19.00 Party at Bob’s

SUNDAY November 10th

Intervention/Documentation (groups do the intervention according to the developed strategies)

MONDAY November 11th

Morning: if necessary still intervention
11.00 Critique/Discussion of results with Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy, planning for future collaboration

12.30 Planned Skype meeting with Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Canberra

14.00 Boondal Bush Tucker Guided Tour

17.00 Celebration/ picnic in the park


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