Contacts : the little mean sexy book that gives you what Facebook friends never can

First I thought it was Luther Blisset, than I was sure it was Banksy, ...but it wasn't him. Who was it? Like Justin Bieber It is mean, little and sexy- the new book 'Contacts'.
In the words of the secret author: "85 times 45 millimeters of power. Business cards are status objects that serve the identification with a particular corporation and that frequently portray hierarchies too. A long time ago, they served the purpose of visitors’ cards. One gave them to the footman who in turn
passed them on to the lord of the manor. In Japan they are presented
with a dignified bow until today.
The more business cards, the more contacts – and good connections.
“Connections only hurt those who don’t have them,” is an old
saying. During the Middle Ages, there were orders, later guilds and
student associations. Today you have trade unions, professional organizations,
social networking services like Xing, Facebook or LinkedIn.
The right connections are career accelerators and door openers. And
those doors often remain closed without those connections – especially
in the cultural, arts and media sectors.
With this book we aim to help our reader to establish and cultivate
those connections. These business cards were compiled during
about ten years of excessive networking and they present a selection
of the most important multipliers. Knowledge is power and the
knowledge pertaining to those connections is thus closely guarded. I
am, however, utterly convinced that free access to such information
can be of advantage for everyone.
This book is an art project, a political statement, a crank call template
– the perfect gift. It depends on your perspective and the way you
intend to use it. Remember to nurture your connections, don’t become
spammers! The most important rules are: don’t compose any
mass mailings, address every person individually and don’t misspell
their name. You are missing the appropriate contact person? Email
address are always created in the same pattern – if you know one
address, you know them all.
Some of the contacts are quite possibly not up to date any longer,
others will surely be out of date soon. So, it is up to you to help update
the next editions! Scan your best business cards and send them
to: In return and as a thank
you, you will get the next edition for free."
Get your copy of the book here:

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