
Job Opportunity (Contract) - Systems Change, Melbourne Australia

Hi all,
Extending this.
And corrected the email address below, apologies! The one there is now correct.
I am posting a small job for a Communications Designer.
I'm looking for someone located in Melbourne Australia.
Please send on if you know anyone here that might be interested.
Thanks so much, Annette!


Insight Maps is a start up based in Melbourne Australia.

Targeting private donors and philanthropists it is a web platform for Systems Change.

Systems Change is about addressing the root causes of social, cultural or environmental problems, which are often embedded in networks of cause and effect. It is an intentional process designed to fundamentally alter the conditions, structures and components that cause the system to behave in a certain way.

Insight Maps includes systems maps and outcomes maps of social and environmental issues.

A digital prototype and first build of the open source site is nearing completion by Masters in IT students at Melbourne University.

Annette Herschtal, the founder, is seeking a Melbourne based front and back end designer.
The contract work (up to 20 hours initially) in October and November 2018 is designed to take what the students have done and make it presentable to potential clients.
i.e. it is not the final product, but rather the next step.

It will entail:

* a briefing on the purpose of the platform and attending a handover with the students
Approximately 5 hours

Front - end design
* providing advice to the front end design; including mapping, information design and web design
* implementing an agreed ‘presentable and basic' front end design

Back - end alterations
* any required back end coding to enable the improved design
* knowledge of Javascript / PHP and Python / Django
Approximately 15 hours

There will be potential future work if the platform is picked up by a client.

The initial fee is AUD $45 / hr for up to 20 hours.


Expressions of Interest
Please email Annette Herschtal by 8pm on Tues Oct 16
e: hello@insightmaps.org
Subject: Insight Maps - EOI
Please provide
* information about you, your design areas of interest, experience and links to / examples of your work (please use dropbox for files larger than 2MB)
* attached CV or link to your LinkedIn page

Please note I can split the role between a front and back end developer if needed.
So please get in touch if interested (and in Melbourne).

Thank you !


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