
Food Democracy is sold out!

Food democracy is sold out and is now being reprinted. The only change will be a slightly thicker cover. Thinking of the undisciplining and extradisciplinary nature of our intellectual cullture, methodology, pedagogy, our activist history and not at least the very publishing culture behind this book we like to think of this as a great achievement. This would not be possible without the deep collaboration with our co-publisher Intellect Books, the dialogue through several years in exploring the best way to collaborate on our book series has really payed off. And this is just the start. We are looking forward to it all as we are now already discussing the production of our next book, but more on this another time.

So thanks for your attention if you read this far. Perhaps is worth to mention that we made a big effort to keep the price of the book very low. 550 pages, full color cca 35 USD- bargain. Most of the books published by academic publishers -even if they contain just B&W text start at around a hundred bucks.

The journey we started in 2013 with our work on Food has been imensly rich and there is no end of it in sight.

We are now working in new collaborations with the Academy of Fine Arts in Bari, Italy to open a new exciting area of research and creative action focused on the relation between food/media/design. We are planing a next Memefest event related to food in 2019 in USA and there is much more about what we will keep you informed along the way.

As the book is being reprinted it is of course still possible to pre-order it, so why don't you treat yourself with some real pleasure.

Check here more about Food Democracy: http://www.memefest.org/en/fooddemocracy/



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