
Global Liberal Media Please

We have lately again become interested into Culture Jamming, a practice we have been very involved in in the early 2000' and have been nurturing for many years. At the very start of Memefest Culture Jamming was central to our understanding that we can reclaim the media and that media interventions should to be fun.

Lot's has happened since than and Culture Jamming became for a while very popular and than again almost disappeared from the repertoire of creative workers who wanted to participate in the processes of making things public outside the commercial realm. It simply wasn't cool anymore. But despite this change there was a smaller number of people, which kept doing it magnificently.

We think its time to take Culture Jamming seriously again. As part of our future investigation we will teach an assignment in a masters class in communication design on Culture Jamming and have started collecting best international examples in order to find out possibilities to expand this practice further.

One of the Culture Jamming projects we like the most is Kyle Magee's work in Melbourne. In many ways it is a league of its own. We are very impressed!

What you will see is a document about and and interview with anti public advertising protester Kyle Magee by Bernadette Mcgough. It was a curated submission to the Memefest Friendly Competition 2014 and Kyle was invited to our in residence program.


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5 years, 4 months

Thanks for this SanFrancisco- if you have any more examples on Culture Jamming coming from Argentina please let us know!

5 years, 4 months

N.b. Kyle's project has since been re-branded

5 years, 4 months

N.b. Kyle's project has since been re-branded

5 years, 3 months

@Bernadette- you mean from 'Global Liberal Media" into "Democratic Media"?

5 years, 2 months

I really like the italian couple Eva nad Marco Mattes:
There are classics as:
Nike ground (: http://0100101110101101.org/nike-ground/
Vaticano.org (copy of their official website with some tweaked data): http://0100101110101101.org/vaticano-org/
No fun (fake suicide on chat roulette): http://0100101110101101.org/no-fun/
And Darko Maver - a fake artist having the exhibition on Biennale di Venezia http://0100101110101101.org/darko-maver/