



Write direct message




sj Bell

Birth year





United Kingdom (Great Britain)


Digital Arts Camberwell College (UAL)


MA UAL Digital Arts (Uni. of Arts London)

Working place

Studio / hackspace


All my artwork is process based and explores the creative realm between art and science. My first generative Digital artwork in 2001 "Rush" was a private portrait commission, a laser printed paper roll that hangs from a wall and cascades like a waterfall. I am also associated with "hackspace" projects focused on outreach workshops,with the aim to broaden access to open source media facilities in London and sourcing funding for a "hackspace" media lab in London.

My MA research in 2007 concentrated that focus on evolving structures, and generative art with an emphasis on 'rhizomic' evolving texts. The abstract forms project is a development of my MA research on using image visualization as an interactive art experiment expressed as abstract forms to explore the intersection of non-verbal communication and interactivity as abstract narrative of self.

My recent projects translate into a body of work that re-evaluates socio-political conventions,and digital culture. I am interested in the semiology of social communicative spaces that intervene and connect within the frame and folds of the digital medium;" the medium of response, and [in the] conditions that enable people to experience creative feedback with reactive systems."

Golan Levin (Hidden Worlds, 2002 http://www.flong.com/bio/en/) Ass Prof of Electronic Art, Carnegie Mellon University; Director, Frank-Ratchye STUDIO Creative Inquiry

I have joined the Memefest community because i am interested in...

My recent projects translate into a body of work that re-evaluates socio-political conventions,and digital culture. I am interested in the semiology of social communicative spaces that intervene and connect within the frame and folds of the digital medium;" the medium of response, and [in the] conditions that enable people to experience creative feedback with reactive systems."

Golan Levin (Hidden Worlds, 2002 http://www.flong.com/bio/en/) Ass Prof of Electronic Art, Carnegie Mellon University; Director, Frank-Ratchye STUDIO Creative Inquiry

Festival works

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