Partners & Supporters


Besides Memefest's international network we have started also partnerships with great organizations that are also interested in social change and the development of Socially Responsive Communication.

Queensland College of Art/Griffith University

With a broad canvas and a wide lens, the diversity of the Queensland College of Art fosters a colourful, dynamic learning environment, focused on creative, studio-based activity. Established in 1881, the Queensland College of Art is one of Australia’s longest-running art and design colleges.
QCA is currently preparing for the start of the new four year bachelor cutting edge Design Futures degree in 2013, which will open a new chapter in design education focusing on environmental and social responsibility and change.


Mladina Magazine

MLADINA is a weekly magazine for the well-informed reader who values independent thinking. Magazine has a philosophy, vision and style which are different from other publications in Slovenia.

Mladina meets the need of a modern reader for the complementary view of the key social and political events of the past week. It also presents themes of special interests and topics dealing with business, politics, leisure and lifestyle. Readers of Mladina are constantly incited to think with a commentary, a report, news or Diareja Comic Strip.

Two courses are characteristic of Mladina: first is the political-economic one, whereas the second is cultural-artistic one with the emphasis on the life style. Coinciding with this division are different readers` segments with explicit lines as far as their sociodemographic traits are concerned.

Magazine also belongs to the group of prestigious Slovenian brands, it is a »Superbrand«.


CSP - center za socialno psihologijo

Center for Social Psychology at the Faculty for Social sciences, University of Ljubljana is our research partner, hosts the on-line platform on it’s server and has co-published the Demonstrating Relevance: Response-Ability book with Memefest.


Local Slovenian supporters" _mce_href="" target="_blank">" href="">" _mce_src="/media/images/LOGOTIPI/logo_stiks.png">



This portal was created with support of European Youth foundation.


Za najboljšo možno uporabniško izkušnjo naše spletno mesto uporablja piškotke, ki nam omogočajo vpogled v način uporabe spletnega mesta ter izboljšave naših storitev in produktov.


Piškotek je majhna tekstovna datoteka, ki se prenese na računalnik uporabnika ob njegovem obisku spletne strani. Sam piškotek ne vsebuje ali zbira informacij. Piškotki se glede na svojo funkcijo in glede na to, kdo jih namešča, lahko razvrstijo v več kategorij. Vsako od njih lahko vklopite ali izklopite po vaših željah.