News / Conversations



Memefest Latinoamérica

Desde hoy empieza la tarea de recuperar el camino que en un momento nos llevó a la construcción del Memefest Latinoamérica y espero poder encontrar muchos aliados. Necesitamos volver a la discusión, de nuevo mostrar los trabajos de diseñadores y artistas que mediante una profunda reflexión, convencimiento y creatividad, presentaron en versiones anteriores del festival proyectos importantes que lo…



Relational aesthetics. How relevant?

Bourriaud defined the approach of relational art or relational aesthetics simply as: "a set of artistic practices which take as their theoretical and practical point of departure the whole of human relations and their social context, rather than an independent and private space."

There is many interesting points in his book and i recommend it. It's a good and relevant book. However, i am skep…






No Fun

0100101110101101.ORG did this on-line performance titled No Fun, using Chat roulette

One of the better projects i have seen in a long time, this is hard core.
Have a look at it and think about the chatters responses to this shocking image that waited for them.




RE:akt! - meaning not only “to act again” but “to respond to/react upon” and “Regarding: act!”- confronts current ideological and intellectual canons, power structures, policies, and distribution channels by re-enacting selected historical events. Through processes of analysis, deconstruction, re-enactment and (re-)reporting, the intermedia research and presentation project …



Community as a canvas

Sharp said that the participation has become an expectation in city regeneration and public art a way to achieve it. In year 1985 Artmakers in collaboration with Charas Inc. sent out a call to artists to create a multi-mural park on the walls surrounding a derelict community garden. La Lucha addressed five issues: local gentrification, frayed police/community relations, women’s rights, U.S. inter…



Art as a tool for civil initiatives

11th September 1973 was the day Augusto Pinochet lead dramatic overthrow of the democratically elected Marxist government. More than ten thousand so called demolish citizens were gathered on the national stadium in Santiago, where many of them were publicly killed. In that time, Chile saw women as politically passive and eliminated. Dictatorship prevented women political participation outside the…



The narcissism of the artist

The past months I spoke with several people about Memefest and especially when I mentioned ' festival of radical communication' people started to wonder, what is this Memefest, where does it come from? When I said Slovenia, a person told me he was not surprised because in the old Europe (such as the Netherlands) according to him you don't have to have an opinion anymore and in the new Europe and…



360 degrees projection

Today I visited the World Wide Video Festival, one of the first media-art festivals in the world that started in 1982 and organised their last festival in 2004. Nowadays they are focussing on 360 degrees panorama projections and cooperation with artists around the globe. It was an inspiring meeting and we discussed the possibility to create a 360 degrees projections related to 'love;conflict, con…



Class Wargames presents: Guy Debord’s “The Game of War”

Just got an email from Richard Barbrook- whose fantastic "The High-Tech Gift Economy" text is going to be published in our Memefest reader this November.

He is working on this fantastic project. Here is a description and the first part of the movie:

“In the early-1970s, Debord created his film adaptation of The Society of the Spectacle by splicing together clips taken from other people’s…