News / Conversations



Memefest on Petcha Kutcha in Brasil

Our beautiful comrade and Memefest team member from Brasil Ines Nin has recently done this presentation at a Petcha Kutcha event. Its really inspirational to see the appreciation of years of work around the world. And the sympathetic presentation is really in the informal vibe we all like so much.



Facebook does not understand me

so... there are this commercial ads on the right side of FaceBook page, with this little "X" on top right side of every ad. if you click it, you get this:

You have removed this ad. Why didn't you like it?

When i click "offensive", i get this:

Thanks for your feedback. Over time, this information helps us deliver more relevant ads t…



Mobilannoncer: Vækst i annoncemarkedet i USA

I Danmark vender analytikere tit øjnene mod USA for at forudsige nye trends, dette gælder selvsagt også inden for markedsføringsområdet.

De store mediehuse er ved at udtænke overlevelsestrategier for, hvordan de vil tilpasse deres nuværende indholdsprodukter til en verden, der i fortsat større omfang bliver mere og mere præget af digitalitet.

Indlejret i det digitale paradigme er tabløs kop…



Intersection: Biopower and Marketing

I found this article very interesting. Its opening new perspective - biopolitical focus: govermen-tability, biopower, potentiality, population .. - to start thinking about media/marketing approaches.



Brand new on Digimag: Article+Interview about Memefest

For the moment only in Italian .
The English version will be out in 2-3 weeks.



Memefest book: First impressions

Yea. Here it is, fresh out of print. Nine years of theory, communication and design practice, research, education and activism. One year in making. 576 pages of distillated thought, creativity and guts. In English and in Slovene. More about it and how to get it - coming soon.



Love for Memefest posters*

Traditionally Memefest puts special attention to the poster medium for each festivals promotional campaign. It's probably the love for paper and a visual communication tool which is tightly and historically connected to social movements. But it's also the potential effectiveness of the poster which is important. Every year we choose to work with someone whom we like and whose work we respect. It'…



First Person Digital Online

"First Person Digital is coming up real fast," said Reisa Levine when I met her over coffee last week. The web project manager from Montreal was putting the final touches on the organizing of FPD, a collab between Studio XX - a Montreal feminist digital art centre - and the NFB - Canada's public film producer.

One week later, First Person Digital is launched with a fresh blend of artists on t…



Conflict 1#

Jason and i are working on posters for this year LOVE:CONFLICT:IMAGINATION Memefest theme. Posters are conceptualized around the relation between the three words. We will try to create a open narration, that can be interpreted and reinterpreted by the viewer. Still we are providing a framework of reference to this years festival guidelines. We are experimenting with photography this time.




We are all workers?

Advertising, besides it many problematic dimensions can still be used as a media, a vehicle for communicating beneficial messages. A tricky thing and a slippery terrain, indeed. What i mean with beneficial messages is the concept of embedding a communication surplus, that works beyond the signifying regimes of the brand. For example: a product- that in itself is not harmful can be advertised i…