News / Conversations



Memefest Interview. English version out now on Digicult

Finally, the Englis version of the interview with Oliver is on line on Digimag vol. 60
It's much more that a "propaganda" interview; there are some interesting thoughts about communication and design that call for a deeper reflection.
Enjoy, and share it!



Practica en Comunicación Visual: Lineas generales 2010/2011


El amor es poder
El poder es conflicto
El amor es conflicto

cuál es la relación entre el amor y el poder?
cuál es la relación entre el poder y el conflicto?
cuál es la relación entre el amor y el conflicto?

primero mira el video de los Flaming Lips:
Yeah yeah yeah song ►

- en el siguiente enlace puedes ver la letra en caste…



20 de Enero_ La fecha límite para presentar trabajos se acerca rápido!

Pocos dias quedan para que termine el plazo para presentar tu trabajo en nuestra competición Amistosa. A medida que llegan los primeros trabajos -ya podemos decir que hay algunos fantásticos trabajos incluídos- quisieramos darte algunas pistas.

1. Categoría de practicas visuales de comunicaciones:…



20. januara ističe rok za prijavu radova!

Drage koleginice i kolege,

želimo vam saopštiti da je preostalo samo još nekoliko dana za prijavu vaših radova. (Rok za prijavu radova je 20. januar 2011.) Podsećamo vas: tema ovogodišnjeg festivala je LJUBAV:KONFLIKT:IMAGINACIJA. Na festivalu mogu da učestvuju svi zainteresovani. Svoje radove možete prijaviti u sledećim kategorijama:

1. Vizuelne komunikacije
2. Kritičko pisanje
3. Beyon…



Deadline for submissions JAN 20th is approaching fast!

Few more days are left for you to finish your works and submit to our Friendly competition. As first works are coming in- we can say so far some fantastic works included- we want to give you a few hints.

1. Visual communications practice category:

make sure you respond the the festival outline LOVE:CONFLICT:…



Coletivos e redes locais

Nos campos da cultura e tecnologia, muita movimentação ocorreu no Brasil nos últimos anos. Iniciativas governamentais e não-governamentais louváveis que emergiram visando a inclusão digital, a discussão do impacto das tecnologias ou simplesmente a produção criativa com os meios disponíveis encontraram espaço para se desenvolver e prosperar, não sem esforço, é claro. Não saberia dizer agora detalh…



Memefest posters arround the World!

UPDATE 13.1. 2011. Added are photos (last 4) from posters in Belgrade.

We are very excited to show you first photos from our posters in the streets of various Cities from around the World.

Following are Memefest LOVE:CONFLICT:IMAGINATION posters that are right now hanging in the streets of Brisbane, Belgrade and Rio de Janeiro. We will update this post with other places whenever we get new …



Memefest Book: How to get it? The Wikileaks and Paypal dilemma

Dear Comrades, dear friends. As our new extensive Memefest book is out, we have received many emails on how to get it. Sure, we would like to bring it as close to our community as possible, but as we will explain we have a dilemma.

As you all know, Memefest supports Wikileaks. One of the very problematic gestures of neoliberal capitalist business was to block Wikileaks' payments they have rece…



Memefest on Petcha Kutcha in Brasil

Our beautiful comrade and Memefest team member from Brasil Ines Nin has recently done this presentation at a Petcha Kutcha event. Its really inspirational to see the appreciation of years of work around the world. And the sympathetic presentation is really in the informal vibe we all like so much.



BOOKS for Vijecnica - Action project, Bosnia and Herzegovina

I just received this email. Let's do something!

Dear Sir/Madam,

BOOKS4VIJECNICA is an action project, initiated by Humanity in Action Senior Fellow Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Our initiative is to re-establish the destroyed book collection of Vijecnica, the National Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina !
During the four-year long siege of Sarajevo, from 1992 till 1995, Vijecnica was…