News / Conversations




During all the years of my work in advertising I always had very ambivalent feelings about it. Part of me loved it for endless possibilities of creative opportunities while bigger part of me hated it for having to act against my political and personal values.

I'm sure many co-workers also experienced similar feelings but decided to stay, as it appears this is one of those "take it or leave i…



Socially Responsive Communication at Memefest: Comments for a Comprehensive Theory

The week at Memefest Festival of Radical Communications on mapping socially responsive communications as provided a valuable opportunity to reflect on what it means to make communications that address societal problems. Oliver Vodeb described seven characteristics of socially responsive communications as a starting point from which the group assembled to build on the theory by creating new maps. …



The Issue of the 100% Male Conference Panel

I was one who asked the male panel at Memefest's Festival of Radical Communications 'Inspiration day' why there were no women presenters. I think it's worth unpacking this topic a little with the intention of helping Memefest develop into an network with strong input from women and other marginalised voices. Diversity of representation should by now be standard practice in any international netw…



Hacking the Bogota Book Fair

Una buena intervención.



Mapping socially responsive communication workshop preparation Case study: Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Humanites in a self-imposed crisis

Case study: Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Humanites in a self-imposed crisis

End of October 2010 this document :
was sent to the mailing list of the Board for the defense of Higher education and scientific work by a professor of the Faculty of Arts. The board is a loose civil initiative consisting of academic staff…




Memefest u kooperaciji sa Loesje, Mašta i Kulturlabor Trial&Error

predstavlja međunarodnu izložbu Memefest radova: “DEMONSTRATING Relevance: Response-Ability”. Posle prvog otvaranja Memefestove izložbe u Ljubljani, 06. maja izložba je otvorena u Berlin. Izložbu radova iz možete videti u

Elsenstr. 52/
2.Hinterhaus Etage 2
12059 Berlin Neukölln

Više o Berlinskoj izložbi na…



Hopenhagen: Design Activism as an Oxymoron

Abstract for the Design History Society conference Design Activism and Social Change. See blog for more pictures and links:

Hopenhagen was an initiative by the International Advertising Association in support of the United Nations at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP-15) in Copenhagen December 2009. The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon UN asked for help from t…



Vote GDP

OK, I was against this idea.
- What idea?
- The idea to post a self-promotional text on Memefest
But my dear friend Oliver Vodeb says:
- The work is really great, important and has radical effects. The project is 100% in line with memefest...
-100%? OK, let's try... and we'll see

People, people, I have worked on a webdocumentary project in 2010 called the GDP project. 'Cause you see, tha…



what about now?

Should we be asking ourselves if the natural and political events have a certain pattern? I think not.
There is no way, nature and politics work as a team - no way! But we could exclude the team work and talk about individual projects, one natural and other political.
The problem with the natural project is that we have no word or way to influence it. It is already planned in advance due to s…



Ethnic first look.

It`s been a while since I start this project and memefest has been a importa part since, i just wil like to say that i work and i been inspired by the content of all this hard work from memefest. open my eyes to new frontier of knowledge so this project is part of this journey of confronting reallity to a point of view. so thanks memefest for all this years of inspiration and consiousnes thanks…