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OK, I was against this idea.
- What idea?
- The idea to post a self-promotional text on Memefest
But my dear friend Oliver Vodeb says:
- The work is really great, important and has radical effects. The project is 100% in line with memefest...
-100%? OK, let's try... and we'll see
People, people, I have worked on a webdocumentary project in 2010 called the GDP project. 'Cause you see, tha…
Where did the whole global warming issue and media coverage disappear? I think it is not an issue anymore. Maybe they fixed it. I seem to see only riots in the countries of the Middle East and preparation for song contest.
I think the whole global warming changed into blogal warning.
The blog era has spread so quickly, man could not get prepared properly. Everyone has his/her own blog now. All…
Calor, carnaval antecipado, férias, internet, praia, trabalho, novidades desanimadoras no Ministério da Cultura (do Ecad), passeios, gente reunida, vida... Tanta coisa acontece nesses dias de verão, uns 40 graus no Rio de Janeiro, tempo ameno em São Paulo, chuvas perigosas em alguns lugares do país resumem ventos que provocam tempestades, tensões em campos distantes, ondulações. E por que ter med…
I am interested in how representations of Nature in the media and popular culture effect our attitudes towards Nature. I would like to study this phenomenon and could use some help from you, yes you reader. I need more examples. I am going to try and crowd source visual samples. Please help me out by visiting this new blog: . Read the brief descriptions of the main …
It's on campus in Bangalore, on campus in Melbourne and then again in Berlin and Montreal. The Korsakow System is on! "The what?," I thought, scratching my head. "Yeah, you know, Korsakow is a principle, a logic, with its own rules and structure," media artist Florian Thalhofer ( tells me over the phone. And so it is. Florian is the guy behind Korsakow. And to make thing…
Finally, the Englis version of the interview with Oliver is on line on Digimag vol. 60
It's much more that a "propaganda" interview; there are some interesting thoughts about communication and design that call for a deeper reflection.
Enjoy, and share it!
En mars 2010, l'expert français en audiovisuel Web & TV, Olivier Crou (ourc sur Twitter), a contribué un billet puissant au sujet du webdocumentaire. Il y explique avec moultes détails et exemples en quoi ce "nouveau" genre de documentaire permet à la fois une lecture délinéarisée et participative.
Il soutient notamment que le webdocumentaire offre une nouvelle grammaire, une nouvelle façon de…
so... there are this commercial ads on the right side of FaceBook page, with this little "X" on top right side of every ad. if you click it, you get this:
You have removed this ad. Why didn't you like it?
When i click "offensive", i get this:
Thanks for your feedback. Over time, this information helps us deliver more relevant ads t…
I Danmark vender analytikere tit øjnene mod USA for at forudsige nye trends, dette gælder selvsagt også inden for markedsføringsområdet.
De store mediehuse er ved at udtænke overlevelsestrategier for, hvordan de vil tilpasse deres nuværende indholdsprodukter til en verden, der i fortsat større omfang bliver mere og mere præget af digitalitet.
Indlejret i det digitale paradigme er tabløs kop…