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Uskoro....  počinje MEMEFEST 2012!!!

Uskoro počinje Memefest 2012, Festival Društveno odzivne komunikacije i umetnosti!

Šta se dešava? Svašta. Puno novosti i izazova u 2012. godini je pred nama. Organizacijska ekipa festivala završava poslednje pripreme pre konačnog lansiranja novih sadržina. Pre svega to znači da je zvanični početak ovogodišnjeg festivala i prijateljskog takmičenja planiran za sledeću sedmicu.

Novi festival…



Proizvodnja života

Proizvodnja života, odnosno životnih stilova, nije ništa drugo nego vrsta komodifikacije: formalizirovanje i estetizovanje života postaje kategorija robnog dizajniranja. Ako robu mislimo u Marksovoj paradigmi robnog fetišizma, onda život nije ništa drugo do stil, a on je stvar estetike. Estetika je produkt dizajniranja, dizajn je formalizacija, a formalizacija je, tehnički gledeno, komodifikacija…



International women's day

is not about flowers, but about respect.



Money is a poor man's credit card

The quote "money is a poor man's credit card" comes from Marshall Mcluhan and fits perfect in out debt driven times.

Here are a few media that create a pretty good narrative perspective. First DJ Spooky remixed Mcluhan. Second one of his quotes speaking about professionalism and experts- btw, who runs the current world?- and some photos.
The last one, coming from Occupy, is particularly inte…



Nadie está solo

Convocar, discutir, debatir, experimentar y sentirte cercano al otro son acciones necesarias para crear nuevos puentes de comunicación.

Memefest México tiene como objetivo congregar para discutir juntos temas que a todos nos interesan y preocupan como sociedad y sobre los cuales todos tenemos una postura.

Nadie está solo, las conexiones son bastas en el mundo, las sociedades evolucionan, …



Game Show Debord

This is pretty fantastic. A game show spectacle uses Guy Debord as content.

I would be interested to see how would Debord comment on this.

Just a little reminder: "The spectacle is not a collection of images, rather, it is a social relationship between people that is mediated by images." Society of Spectacle: Guy Debord. What kind of social relations are becoming visible through this image…



Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere: the contagion of revolution

A recent article published in THE NATIONAL newspaper in the United Arab Emirates. An interesting point stated "... the Arab Spring itself is part of a global wave of unrest triggered ultimately by the ongoing disorderly collapse of globalisation in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008." Re…



Početak. Common-matters-of-concern. Emancipacija.

Debakl se zove kapitalizam. Debakl neoliberalnog/postmodernog kapitalizma je krizna realnost našeg svakodnevnog života. Prezaduženost države i nezaposlenost ne terete samo život ljudi u SAD. U Evropskoj uniji su prezadužene 24 njene članice, Grčka, Portugal, Irska, Španija se nalaze u veoma teškom položaju, dok je bezposlenost najveći EU problem. Slika nije drugačija ni u SAD. Ni Barack Obama ni…



Clay Shirky: Why SOPA is a bad idea

"But where the DMCA was surgical, [...], the SOPA and PIPA are nuclear. [...]"



David Harvey -- The History of Neoliberalism

As a Sociologist I am happy to see that the big and most important body of the profession- The International Sociological Association is currently led by Michael Burawoy. He is engaged in a particular approach to sociology called "Public Sociology" which encourages the discipline to engage in "explicitly public and political ways with issues stimulated by debates over public policy, political act…