News / Conversations



DEBT: Deadline is closed- works from 35 Countries received!

We are very excited to have received works from around the world to this years Friendly competition!!

The theme DEBT has triggered lot's of creative energy and work. It was and is a highly interesting journey for us too. The more we investigate, the more we are sure that the creditor/debtor relation is the fundamental social relation of Western societies.

Now the internal process begins: …



Artistas, escritores e comunicadores subversivos - faltam 2 dias!

Este é um lembrete: participe da chamada de trabalhos do Memefest 2012! (:

O prazo foi prorrogado para o dia 31 de maio.

Saiba mais sobre os prêmios aqui >>

Competição Participativa 2012, como se inscrever, categorias etc. >>

Envio de trabalhos aqui [o formulário de inscrição deve s…



Artists, critical writers and communication interventionists- 5 more days to go!

Well, well... as we are receiving festival works from around the globe- here a reminder. Five more days till deadline!

Check more about the Awards for yourself:

And here more about our friendly competition outlines:

Submit your work here:…



Prêmios do Memefest?

Sim, temos quatro prêmios para vocês. E que prêmios!

Serão contemplados desde o ativista/artista/comunicador - e o artista de rua - até o aqueles que desejam reconhecimento acadêmico. Há desde feedback vindo dos incríveis editores e curadores a um convite para participar de um workshop interdisciplinar que irá resultar em uma intervenção pública em Brisbane, na Austrália! Quer mais?

Isso se…



Produžen Rok za Prijavu Radova do 31. maja 2012!!!

Dragi prijatelji MEMEFESTA,

želimo vas obavestiti da je ekipa Memefesta PRODUŽILA rok za prijavu radova.

Radove možete prijaviti do 31. maja 2012 do 24h!

Promislite temu DUGA

i prijavite vaše radove u kategorije Kritičkog pisanja, Vizuelnih komunikacija i Beyond ovde

Više o o…



Indebted, Conversations in Political Economy with Maurizio Lazzarato (Paris)

Thursday, 31 May, 5pm, NAB LG01, A Goldsmiths' Centre for Cultural Studies event, with support from Departments of Anthropology and Sociology

In the current economic crisis we have entered into a new age of debt. In
spite of emergency loans, bailouts and liquidity injections, waves of
defaults, bankruptcies and capital drains have left the world economy
without cash. Governments, firms,…



Memefest Festival Awards?

Yes, we have four of them for you. And what kind of awards we have!

From peer activist/artist/communication interventionist recognition to academic peer recognition and publication. From written feedback from the best editors and curators and to an invitation to participate in a extradisciplinary workshop that will result in a public intervention in the city of Brisbane, in sunny Australia. Y…



No Banker Left Behind!

Ry Cooder tells us a story. No banker is left behind.

10 days to go till deadline May 20th!

Check again the outlines here:



The dark side of the bright World future. DEBT, Common Matter of concern

Mantra u etru, u repetitivnom loopu, ponavlja da je najbolja moguća forma društva u kome danas živimo (neo)liberalno demokratski kapitalizam. Tri velike krize najbolje forme društva – 1929, 1968 i 2008 – dokazuju suprotno. Dokazuju da je ova forma skrojena po meri kapitala a ne po meri čoveka. U sto godišnjoj političko-ekonomskoj istoriji rešavanje finansijske krize je uvek bilo prvo rešavanje ka…



In Debt as communicators?

David Graeber author of Debt- first 5000 years, one of the texts we use in this years Friendly competition outlines, is interviewed by Uprising Radio. Graeber speaks about the history of Debt, its current role and also about the Occupy movement in which he was involved from the very beginning.

The other video is his lecture on the same theme. Both are very well worth watching. Graeber is a in…