News / Conversations



20 de Enero_ La fecha límite para presentar trabajos se acerca rápido!

Pocos dias quedan para que termine el plazo para presentar tu trabajo en nuestra competición Amistosa. A medida que llegan los primeros trabajos -ya podemos decir que hay algunos fantásticos trabajos incluídos- quisieramos darte algunas pistas.

1. Categoría de practicas visuales de comunicaciones:…




This is my illustrated interpretation of the phenomena of digital media and Wikileaks BOOM we are confronted with in this period.
It`s a cover illustration for the student magazine KAŽIN of the University of Primorska region - Slovenia.



Hej ho!

Hej ho, zovem se Dragana, neznam još šta tačno znaci manifest, al cu saznati :P

Pozdrav!!! :)



what to do. .

this world dont need representations any more, this world needs to heard the voice of many people about the things which represents the world.
Because that things are a level that just says a few things, and even more, can be dangerous to leave them absolute power to speak . We just need to trasform the world trough ourselves.



Le webdocumentaire en 2011

En mars 2010, l'expert français en audiovisuel Web & TV, Olivier Crou (ourc sur Twitter), a contribué un billet puissant au sujet du webdocumentaire. Il y explique avec moultes détails et exemples en quoi ce "nouveau" genre de documentaire permet à la fois une lecture délinéarisée et participative.

Il soutient notamment que le webdocumentaire offre une nouvelle grammaire, une nouvelle façon de…



20. januara ističe rok za prijavu radova!

Drage koleginice i kolege,

želimo vam saopštiti da je preostalo samo još nekoliko dana za prijavu vaših radova. (Rok za prijavu radova je 20. januar 2011.) Podsećamo vas: tema ovogodišnjeg festivala je LJUBAV:KONFLIKT:IMAGINACIJA. Na festivalu mogu da učestvuju svi zainteresovani. Svoje radove možete prijaviti u sledećim kategorijama:

1. Vizuelne komunikacije
2. Kritičko pisanje
3. Beyon…



Deadline for submissions JAN 20th is approaching fast!

Few more days are left for you to finish your works and submit to our Friendly competition. As first works are coming in- we can say so far some fantastic works included- we want to give you a few hints.

1. Visual communications practice category:

make sure you respond the the festival outline LOVE:CONFLICT:…



Choose and be damned.

Suddenly, in the digital age, a personal decision like logging off Facebook is not in my hands anymore. It is inextricably linked to my “friends”, work, groups and notes. It does not matter if I continue to gag over photographs of candles shot with a flash, or kill myself over someone’s umpteenth picture of their boyfriend’s stubble. And clearly invasion of privacy or voyeurism are non-issues. …



Coletivos e redes locais

Nos campos da cultura e tecnologia, muita movimentação ocorreu no Brasil nos últimos anos. Iniciativas governamentais e não-governamentais louváveis que emergiram visando a inclusão digital, a discussão do impacto das tecnologias ou simplesmente a produção criativa com os meios disponíveis encontraram espaço para se desenvolver e prosperar, não sem esforço, é claro. Não saberia dizer agora detalh…

