News / Conversations



Memefest 013 Festival Outlines: FOOD DEMOCRACY!

In the era of privatisation of everything fundamental human needs get colonised through corporate strategies. The food system becomes a machine, which excludes people. We have almost no chance to participate in the production and distribution of food. The consumption is to a big degree predefined as well- our desires to achieve pleasure with food are in many ways the product of the prevailing foo…



DEBTfest: Investigating Indebted Brisbane- The Event- Workshop/Research Seminar/Intervention

DEBT was our theme of interest for almost a year. The importance of critically researching DEBT can hardly be exaggerated. DEBT has become a major instrument of social control. Millions are victims of DEBT, and indebted life has become naturalised. DEBT has become the primary mechanism that takes power from the people and gives it on to the hands of the rich and powerful. But DEBT is rarely quest…



The DEBT Workshop/Seminar/Intervention- First Impressions

First Memefest/Queensland College of Art extradisciplinary workshop/seminar/intervention, here in Brisbane, happened in late November. We invited a diverse international group to research DEBT further, to learn about it's relation to Brisbane and to intervene.

The collaborators, participants, mentors and conspirators were Ashlea Gleeson, Jack Loel, Darcy Mangan, Belinda Li, John Nicholson, E…



Listening to Brisbane

Dear all Memefest/QCA DEBT Workshop/Seminar participants- two more days and we start. See you soon.

DAY one 15 November 15th:

9 am- @ Queensland College of Art
Welcome and Introduction to the Workshop/Seminar (Oliver Vodeb), introduction of participants.

Presentation of Memefest/QCA Awardees:

10.00 Vladimir Turner: Wonderland series
10.40 Soren Rosenbak: Surplus Debt
11.20 Ivan …



Pre DEBT Workshop activities

Dear all, a bit more than two weeks and we will all meet in beautiful Brisbane!
We will have enough time to collaboratively reflect on the many issues of DEBT at the workshop. However as announced we will collaboratively investigate some sources that will be of help for our work before the actual meeting.

Here are three documentaries, necessary to watch, as they relate directly to our work a…



 Re-Imagining DEBT: An Intimate Encounter

We are happy to announce the framework for this years special Memefest workshop. A few more weeks to go and we will meet in Brisbane.
Bellow you can find information regarding the event. More will follow soon.

GOALS: The workshop/seminar aims to research DEBT and its hidden effects in current Brisbane. It seeks to create a process that will help us to develop knowledge necessary to understand…



Call for Submissions



Eduardo Galeano - Los Hijos de los Dias


Entrevista a Eduardo Galeano en la que nos habla de la lucha necesaria en momentos en los que el mundo se tambalea frente a los ataques de los mercados neoliberales. Galeano nos confiesa su admiración por el movimiento 15M, al que dedica uno de sus días, nos habla de las mujeres de su América Latina.

“Ese mundo al revés administrado por los banqueros y los …



Violencia en México en tiempos electorales

La información en la sociedad mexicana es importante para poder entender los sistemas de poder que oprimen al pueblo mexicano .
Este video que es parte de una serie de videos de Vice, es una mirada inteligente que denuncia lo que los sistemas de poder desde el estado hasta la delicuencia organizada se apoderan y violentan a la sociedad mexicana.
Esta mirada es una de tantas que estaremos comp…



Memefest 2012 Festival Poster

Created in collaboration with Montreal based designer and Memefest curatorial bord member Kevin Yuen Kit Lo, who visually beautifully designed Debt's dark world, here is this years Memefest poster.

We have been discussing a lot and in the end liked the concept of the dark urban space, with references to power- both on the side of banks and network/ bottom up organisations. We tried to balance …