News / Conversations





Oliver Vodeb and Arturo Escobar in Dialogue

We are excited to announce a special dialogue between Oliver Vodeb and Arturo Escobar at the Festival de la Imagen, Manizales, Colombia. The dialogue will happen online via Zoom infront of the festival audience @ 2.30 pm Tuesday, June 16th, Manizales time.

The Onto-epistemic Politics of Participatory Design: A Dialogue Between Oliver Vodeb and Arturo Escobar

Oliver Vodeb and Arturo Escobar…





Baltimore’s Food Apartheid: A pre-workshop preparation session

This year seven members of the international Memefest network from Slovenia, Australia, USA and Canada will meet in Baltimore (Nov 4.- 22.), invited by Goucher College, to collaborate with Black Yield Institute, Goucher students, academics and members of the community.

Memefest has in its 17 years history a rich experience of implementing its methodology in various contexts, cultural setting…



How Hong Kong is Calling on the World for Help

See the tactics used by protesters fighting for democracy in Hong Kong.



Food Democracy is sold out!

Food democracy is sold out and is now being reprinted. The only change will be a slightly thicker cover. Thinking of the undisciplining and extradisciplinary nature of our intellectual cullture, methodology, pedagogy, our activist history and not at least the very publishing culture behind this book we like to think of this as a great achievement. This would not be possible without the deep colla…



Major crisis in Colombian higher education- professors and student on hunger strike!!

Dear comrades,

our friends from Universidad Caldas in Manizales Colombia have made this video to draw attention to the extremely bad situation in Colombian higher education, which has reached a stage that urged some of the professors and a student to begin with hunger strikes.

Universidad Caldas is tightly connected to Memefest. For years there has been an operating local Memefest node. R…



Design is Not Enough

This text was originally written during the Declarations conference at Concordia University in 2001 in Montreal, Canada.

It was at that time when we were preparing the first Memefest, which happened in 2002. Based in Ljubljana, Slovenia we felt truly inspired to read this lines and learn more about the Declarations event. It showed us that there is a really impressive and organized scene of d…



Food/Media/Crisis - Memefest Los Angeles sessions

Memefest Los Angeles sessions
Feb 9-10, 2018
Pomona College LA

A special two-day workshop / critical discussion facilitated by Memefest on the intersections of Media Theory, Tactical Communication, Design and Food Politics.

This workshop will examine the corporate takeover of our food by connecting Media Theory, Tactical Communication, Design and Food Politics. Food/…



LECTURE Roderick Grant Critical Infrastructure: Landscape, Intention and Intervention

What we see as the outward visual denotation of urban infrastructure is not always connected directly to what it might connote as a symbol, an index, or as an embodiment of policy, need, capital and spatial practice. The objective of this new research and scholarship is to bring to light the disjunctions and contradictions in the visual coherence of our urban infrastructure, and to reveal how we …