News / Conversations



Indebted, Conversations in Political Economy with Maurizio Lazzarato (Paris)

Thursday, 31 May, 5pm, NAB LG01, A Goldsmiths' Centre for Cultural Studies event, with support from Departments of Anthropology and Sociology

In the current economic crisis we have entered into a new age of debt. In
spite of emergency loans, bailouts and liquidity injections, waves of
defaults, bankruptcies and capital drains have left the world economy
without cash. Governments, firms,…




We need food and shelter
that come from our Earth.

We need land and water
seeds, spores and eggs.

We need cattle and bees
for the milk and honey.

We need barley and hops
for the beer and bread.

We need to be able to work
without passing tokens.

We must OWN or be OWNED...

[sing this part as a languishing cry in the night]
We need, neeeed.
We need, neeeed.

[sing th…



Uskoro....  počinje MEMEFEST 2012!!!

Uskoro počinje Memefest 2012, Festival Društveno odzivne komunikacije i umetnosti!

Šta se dešava? Svašta. Puno novosti i izazova u 2012. godini je pred nama. Organizacijska ekipa festivala završava poslednje pripreme pre konačnog lansiranja novih sadržina. Pre svega to znači da je zvanični početak ovogodišnjeg festivala i prijateljskog takmičenja planiran za sledeću sedmicu.

Novi festival…



David Harvey -- The History of Neoliberalism

As a Sociologist I am happy to see that the big and most important body of the profession- The International Sociological Association is currently led by Michael Burawoy. He is engaged in a particular approach to sociology called "Public Sociology" which encourages the discipline to engage in "explicitly public and political ways with issues stimulated by debates over public policy, political act…



Signs Of Revolt - The City, The Sign And Revolution In The 21st Century

This is link to a paper I gave at a conference Design and Social Activism in Barcelona this summer, I thought it would interest people here. It draws on the fantastic theories of communcation that Mikhail Bakhtin and Valentin Volosinov wrote in the 20s in Russia, and looks at how the combination of economic collapse and network technology are feeding a dialogical battle over the meaning of Signs,…



The workshop

It took several years of collaborative research to understand why there is this one communication culture and approach that is used in practice and that is at hand whenever »communication problems » need to be solved in the public sphere. With there is I mean this all encompassing presence of marketing based communication. It is naturalized, meaning, it has penetrated the logic of communication t…



Radical Magic

Indeed it was magic. And radical. Memefest "Mapping socially responsive communication" workshop brought together almost thirty fantastic thinkers, educators, designers, artists, activists, students, researchers, proffesionals and above all: good people from arround the world together for eight days of dialogue, work, inspiration and fun. We all came to beautifull Nijmegen's Oddstream festival and…



El futuro del arte

Un interesante video donde varios artistas opinan sobre las posibilidades del arte en el futuro. Las increíbles posibilidades del mundo digital, de internet, el intercambio de nuevas sensibilidades a partir de esos seres nómadas e itinerantes en que se han convertido los artistas contemporáneos.…



Oddstream, the first few days

A personal reflection and some photos of the first few days of Oddstream. Much more soon...



Tehnologije vlasti

Tehnologije – pametni telefoni, gps, prenosni računari, biočip kartice, indetifikacijski kodovi, biometrija itd. – su postale naše svakodnevne životne proteze, naši produžeci. Mi subjekti, odnosno apstraktni individuumi, njihovi koristnici, ne upotrebljavamo jih samo za organizaciju svog delovanja (posao) ili zabavu (slobodno vreme). Naprotiv, upotreba pomenutih tehnologija danas predstavlja teme…