News / Conversations



Food Chains

Short video teaser on how critical the role of farm workers are and how little attention is payed to the very people who help produce the food we eat on a daily basis.

Full article:



CULTURAL EMBASSY of PALESTINA in Ljubljana and Maribor

From 20th of October to 1st of December Cultural days of Palestinian culture will take place in Maribor and Ljubljana (Slovenia).

Cultural embassy consist of exhibitions, palestinian poetry, documentaries, talks, etc.

For detailed programme visit the FB event site (just in slovenian language):

I was involved in project as a designer of th…



Call for Submissions



Historical background of debts

Debts are an agreement between old and young generations.



Eduardo Galeano - Los Hijos de los Dias


Entrevista a Eduardo Galeano en la que nos habla de la lucha necesaria en momentos en los que el mundo se tambalea frente a los ataques de los mercados neoliberales. Galeano nos confiesa su admiración por el movimiento 15M, al que dedica uno de sus días, nos habla de las mujeres de su América Latina.

“Ese mundo al revés administrado por los banqueros y los …



Discurso del Presidente de Uruguay José Pepe Mujica en Río+20- 2012

"Es necesario darse cuenta de que la crisis del agua y de la agresión al medio ambiente implica revisar la manera de vivir y dejar de estar inmersos en la sociedad de consumo y en la cultura del úselo y tire."



Greece says "yes" to DEBT... and Memefest Friendly competition works evaluation goes in to final round!

Still, 26,9 % of the votes went to the "Siriza" party that opposes the debt driven politics enforced by EU and led by Germany. The pro debt politics oriented party "New Democracy" received 29,6 % of votes and is now building a coalition that will try to make sure the austerity measures will continue to enslave Greeks. But this is bad luck, because 55% of the voters actually voted for parties that…



Montreal's a poetic paradise

It's a good time to be in Montreal. It's spring time to be precise. Montreal is experiencing a huge upsurge in social activism for the last three months. The biggest student strike ever, has been lasting for eleven weeks now, and nothing seems to be stopping it. Montreal's got revolutionary momentum and as we know from the history of the sole French-speaking society in North-America, this can mea…



Proizvodnja života

Proizvodnja života, odnosno životnih stilova, nije ništa drugo nego vrsta komodifikacije: formalizirovanje i estetizovanje života postaje kategorija robnog dizajniranja. Ako robu mislimo u Marksovoj paradigmi robnog fetišizma, onda život nije ništa drugo do stil, a on je stvar estetike. Estetika je produkt dizajniranja, dizajn je formalizacija, a formalizacija je, tehnički gledeno, komodifikacija…



Signs Of Revolt - The City, The Sign And Revolution In The 21st Century

This is link to a paper I gave at a conference Design and Social Activism in Barcelona this summer, I thought it would interest people here. It draws on the fantastic theories of communcation that Mikhail Bakhtin and Valentin Volosinov wrote in the 20s in Russia, and looks at how the combination of economic collapse and network technology are feeding a dialogical battle over the meaning of Signs,…