News / Conversations



Radical Intimacies, book launch talk series!

We are delighted to announce the Melbourne launch of our new book Radical Intimacies, Designing Non-Extractive Relationalities (Intellect). The book will be launched in a special series of talks and conversations in collaboration with the Melbourne Free University in November and December. Read more about the talks and find out the dates below.

See more about the book here: http://www.memefes…



Design is Not Enough

This text was originally written during the Declarations conference at Concordia University in 2001 in Montreal, Canada.

It was at that time when we were preparing the first Memefest, which happened in 2002. Based in Ljubljana, Slovenia we felt truly inspired to read this lines and learn more about the Declarations event. It showed us that there is a really impressive and organized scene of d…



Welcome to the Pleasure Dome

Memefest has commissioned Melbourne based writer extraordinaire Darren Tofts to share his

A personal history & an invitation

Pleasure is a coveted, quintessentially human emotion. More than simple enjoyment, it is a rhythm of feeling, thought and living. I mean, isn’t that why we are all here? Isn’t it why our atoms have come together from elsewhere, colliding at the speed of light, dyn…



Launching GISWatch 2014 at MEMEFEST/Swinburne

Andrew Garton and the Association for Progressive Communications in collaboration with Memefest/Swinburne are launching the latest version of the Global Information Society Watch publication, GISWatch 2014, which reviews the effects of national, global mass surveillance of citizens around the world.

When: 6:00pm, 18 November 2014
Where: Haddons Cafe Bar, Swinburne University, AR Building, 642…



1000+ Coffees




The quotes below are from my recent article called Creativity published 2 July 2014. Most of the quotes below are about CollaboNation by Jess Bush which I am trying to give people the opportunity to know more about it. Read the full article at Systems Thinking Designer on Wordpress here is the link:

"I have a utopian dream t…



Rok za prijavu radova na MEMEFEST 2013 - FOOD DEMOCRACY je produžen do 31. maja 2013!

Memefestovci, rok za predaju radova smo produžili do kraja meseca!

Kao što znate, tema Memefesta 2013 je DEMOKRATIJA HRANE. Pozivamo vas da u naredne dve sedmice odgovorite na pitanje: šta je za vas DEMOKRATIJIA HRANE?

Vreme je da na ovo pitanje odgovorite iz svog trbuha, na osnovu vašeg istraživačkog rada, vlastitog iskustva ili iz prakse svakodnevnog opažanja. Sudelujte na Memefestu sa …



Libro: La economía no existe

Antonio Baños Boncompain es el autor de este texto qe según dice:

"es un libelo en el noble sentido de la palabra: una máquina propagandística que nace de la rabia y que no ofrece soluciones, sino una crítica despiadada contra la religión llamada economía, que ha hecho de nuestra civilización una de las más penosas de la historia…



The dark side of the bright World future. DEBT, Common Matter of concern

Mantra u etru, u repetitivnom loopu, ponavlja da je najbolja moguća forma društva u kome danas živimo (neo)liberalno demokratski kapitalizam. Tri velike krize najbolje forme društva – 1929, 1968 i 2008 – dokazuju suprotno. Dokazuju da je ova forma skrojena po meri kapitala a ne po meri čoveka. U sto godišnjoj političko-ekonomskoj istoriji rešavanje finansijske krize je uvek bilo prvo rešavanje ka…



In Debt as communicators?

David Graeber author of Debt- first 5000 years, one of the texts we use in this years Friendly competition outlines, is interviewed by Uprising Radio. Graeber speaks about the history of Debt, its current role and also about the Occupy movement in which he was involved from the very beginning.

The other video is his lecture on the same theme. Both are very well worth watching. Graeber is a in…