News / Conversations



blogal warning

Where did the whole global warming issue and media coverage disappear? I think it is not an issue anymore. Maybe they fixed it. I seem to see only riots in the countries of the Middle East and preparation for song contest.
I think the whole global warming changed into blogal warning.
The blog era has spread so quickly, man could not get prepared properly. Everyone has his/her own blog now. All…



Ethnic first look.

It`s been a while since I start this project and memefest has been a importa part since, i just wil like to say that i work and i been inspired by the content of all this hard work from memefest. open my eyes to new frontier of knowledge so this project is part of this journey of confronting reallity to a point of view. so thanks memefest for all this years of inspiration and consiousnes thanks…




Depois dos trabalhos recebidos, conferir se todos foram submetidos corretamente, selecionar, enviar para os curadores e enfim publicar os vencedores.

É louvável a iniciativa de tentar criar possibilidades comunicativas viáveis, inteligentes que que apontam para novos horizontes. Alguns dos trabalhos que criamos demoramos para saber como enquadrar nesta ou naquela categoria, mas aos poucos vam…



Street Art and critical statements

I've just found (via the friends at The Influencers) an extremely interesting article on the censoring of a Blu's wall at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
It underlines many crucial points about the commercial/critical dichotomy of contemporary street art: censorship; curatorship; engagement; radical critic; to be in the streets or in museums.



Las esperanzas de Noam Chomsky

El insuperable Noam Chomsky reflexiona sobre el nuevo socialismo y el horizonte de América Latina en el nuevo mapa económico mundial. A sus 82 años se mantiene activo y cree en la esperanza de un futuro mejor.





Arte ≠ Vida

“Lo que se propone a través de estas las obras aquí reunidas es que, si bien el arte afirma y celebra la vida con una fuerza regeneradora, las acciones que tratan de la desigualdad y el conflicto no son equivalentes a la vida real que se vive bajo la represión”

Deborah Cullen, curadora de la exposición.

Museo de Arte del Banco de la Repú…



Verão, movimentar-se: ainda dá tempo de enviar trabalhos!

Calor, carnaval antecipado, férias, internet, praia, trabalho, novidades desanimadoras no Ministério da Cultura (do Ecad), passeios, gente reunida, vida... Tanta coisa acontece nesses dias de verão, uns 40 graus no Rio de Janeiro, tempo ameno em São Paulo, chuvas perigosas em alguns lugares do país resumem ventos que provocam tempestades, tensões em campos distantes, ondulações. E por que ter med…



Decoding Visual Media: Representations of Nature in Popular Culture

I am interested in how representations of Nature in the media and popular culture effect our attitudes towards Nature. I would like to study this phenomenon and could use some help from you, yes you reader. I need more examples. I am going to try and crowd source visual samples. Please help me out by visiting this new blog: . Read the brief descriptions of the main …



Le webdocumentaire en 2011

En mars 2010, l'expert français en audiovisuel Web & TV, Olivier Crou (ourc sur Twitter), a contribué un billet puissant au sujet du webdocumentaire. Il y explique avec moultes détails et exemples en quoi ce "nouveau" genre de documentaire permet à la fois une lecture délinéarisée et participative.

Il soutient notamment que le webdocumentaire offre une nouvelle grammaire, une nouvelle façon de…