News / Conversations



Memefest Cuba! Change in Everyday Life: Dialogue and Critique through Design in our Times

Memefest Workshop: Change in Everyday Life: Dialogue and Critique through Design in our Times

Instituto Superior de Disegno, Havana, June 19-25.

Dr George Petelin (Griffith University, Queensland College of Art & Memefest)
Dr Oliver Vodeb (Swinburne University of Technology & Memefest)

Participants: Approx. 20

The five day workshop is aimed at students, academics and profe…



Imaginary POSTERS : MAPPING Workshops

London College of Communication

Wed 10th June

– 16.00 in room D209

Lecture by Oliver Vodeb: Workshops as a Design research method and intervention

Thu 11th & Fri 12th June

– 10.30-16.30 in room D209


This praxis based two-day design workshop will be investigating the medium of posters as a critical mapping tool.

The workshop will focus on design as a process a…





once we were thinkers

not so far in time we were used to create out of nothing, to create without thinking in terms of stuffs and gizmos but in terms of results and meaning and innovation out of void. Now this approach is in the hands of teachers and workshops maker that have the slog to clean the brain of young artists and to force them to carve the work out of a dirty garage with a 486 and shoestring.



Don't let the fuckers get you down

I had been working on a solidarity poster/design for the protests in ferguson, addressing the right to resistance. I wanted to challenge the dominant narrative of the reasoning behind riots, and the idea of violent outside instigators, etc. The idea was there right away, however, by the time I got down to actually sitting down and designing, the timing seemed a bit off.

But not wanting to wast…



Urgent Invitation

This is an invitation to contribute to an exhibition about Open Source design - "Burst Open" at Artisan Gallery in Brisbane Australia.(

Quality design is considered as expensive and elitist; the world of the modern day designer typically exists in a bubble of isolation. Burst Open is an exhibition that takes these problems and turns them into an optimistic …



New Book: InDEBTed to Intervene

We are very excited to let you know about our new book. We have been working on it for more than a year and the book is as beautifull and strong in any way as was the adventure in to researching debt and making it.

The book is an investigation in to Debt as the key instrument that defines current social relations- through the lens of communication, design and art. It is both- theory and pract…



Rok za prijavu radova na MEMEFEST 2013 - FOOD DEMOCRACY je produžen do 31. maja 2013!

Memefestovci, rok za predaju radova smo produžili do kraja meseca!

Kao što znate, tema Memefesta 2013 je DEMOKRATIJA HRANE. Pozivamo vas da u naredne dve sedmice odgovorite na pitanje: šta je za vas DEMOKRATIJIA HRANE?

Vreme je da na ovo pitanje odgovorite iz svog trbuha, na osnovu vašeg istraživačkog rada, vlastitog iskustva ili iz prakse svakodnevnog opažanja. Sudelujte na Memefestu sa …



FOOD DEMOCRACY meme visuals

Here we go - the posters are cooked!

The ingredients for this year dish was:
- 2 kg of images with strong but at the same time open narration
- 6 pieces of vernacular typography normally used in small local groceries
- a pinch or two of supportive text
and an extra doze of imagination.

Here are the results.

Enjoy the meal/Dober tek/DObar tek/Buen apetito/Buon apetito/Gutten Ap…



Memefest 013 Festival Outlines: FOOD DEMOCRACY!

In the era of privatisation of everything fundamental human needs get colonised through corporate strategies. The food system becomes a machine, which excludes people. We have almost no chance to participate in the production and distribution of food. The consumption is to a big degree predefined as well- our desires to achieve pleasure with food are in many ways the product of the prevailing foo…