News / Conversations



The story comes first

There I was, sipping coffee. There he was, sipping his. He? Caspar Sonnen, a real nice guy from the hood and IDFA DocLab programmer... as in curator, not code programmer. He was one of the reasons I was in Amsterdam early this summer. A few weeks down the road, I'm putting out this post, as he's putting out his Call for entries (deadline August 1):…



Piano Project

Hey everybody; checkout quite fresh audio-video project from twisted-productions ...
Its all about communication between the primary forms of audio and visual;

For details visit

Regards comrades!



A Tribute to Defectiveness

I'm networking so much lately that my emotional brain is growing
disproportionately, taking over the spoken language neurotic (sic) areas.

I went to the kitchen today, where my housemate P. was making a peanut butter/cucumber sandwich.
'Food!', I uttered.
Then immediately 'Foooood!' again, like I had awaken, at last, to the fact that I also needed to chew on something.
So I walked to th…



CMI OpenWeb

---CMI OpenWeb===Helping to pioneer an open Internet from the PA I-99 Innovation Corridor =====++++===---->>---



Why Interactive Documentary Matters

NIJMEGEN, The Netherlands - There are about 25 young editors, reporters, photographers, translators and videographers at the international media training of Oddstream. So I abused of my role of a mentor to brainwash them with my interactive documentary venom.

It's the first time that the Oddstream Festival is held, and already there are 100 bands and DJs on four different stages, multimedia a…



Inspiration Day puts the odd in the Oddstream

NIJMEGEN, The Netherlands - The Oddstream Festival is about multimedia and communication. At least, that's the short version. Once you zoom in, you start seeing music bands rushing onto the festival site. Many bands. Like 100. You also see multimedia exhibits left and right. Containers with video presentations in them. Installations like the 360 degree lab, the interactive robot or the Memefest 2…




This workshop is designed for people who are interested in how photo, film, animation, data-journalism and hypertext can be weaved together to tell powerful stories on the internet. Webdocumentary
is about nonlinear storytelling, about a new type of narrative that is becoming a genre to reckon with. Frédéric Dubois has worked with the National Film Board on the GDP webdocumentary (http://gdp.nfb…



Tehnologije vlasti

Tehnologije – pametni telefoni, gps, prenosni računari, biočip kartice, indetifikacijski kodovi, biometrija itd. – su postale naše svakodnevne životne proteze, naši produžeci. Mi subjekti, odnosno apstraktni individuumi, njihovi koristnici, ne upotrebljavamo jih samo za organizaciju svog delovanja (posao) ili zabavu (slobodno vreme). Naprotiv, upotreba pomenutih tehnologija danas predstavlja teme…



Vote GDP

OK, I was against this idea.
- What idea?
- The idea to post a self-promotional text on Memefest
But my dear friend Oliver Vodeb says:
- The work is really great, important and has radical effects. The project is 100% in line with memefest...
-100%? OK, let's try... and we'll see

People, people, I have worked on a webdocumentary project in 2010 called the GDP project. 'Cause you see, tha…



blogal warning

Where did the whole global warming issue and media coverage disappear? I think it is not an issue anymore. Maybe they fixed it. I seem to see only riots in the countries of the Middle East and preparation for song contest.
I think the whole global warming changed into blogal warning.
The blog era has spread so quickly, man could not get prepared properly. Everyone has his/her own blog now. All…