News / Conversations



Brazil and its political prisoners, contemporary dictatorship and military police

RIO DE JANEIRO – On Tuesday, 15 October, 2013, more than 200 protestors were arrested by the Rio de Janeiro state Military Police, as part of the continuing criminalization of social movements in the city. Those arrested were sent in small groups to over 10 different police stations, with the clear objective of impeding their access to legal assistance.

On Monday, 21 October, the Brazilian Ju…



31.5.  ističe rok za predaju festivalskih radova!

Svi koji ste zainteresovani i do sad niste imeali vremena da sednete i otkucate svoje misli te prijavite svoj rad na MEMEFEST, to možete uraditi u narednih 5 dana. Zadnji dan za predaju festivalskih radova na temu DEMOKRATIJE HRANE je 31.5. do ponoći.

Dobra ispiracija - da u narednim danima napišete kritički tekst ili uradite vizuelni kritički rad - je jučerašnji PROTEST PROTI MONSANTU, koji …



The Flower / La Flor (2010) Haik Hoisington

si bien el video apunta específicamente al tratamiento de la flor de marihuana, es extensible a la producción y al consumo de productos derivados de la naturaleza en general

“The Flower” contrasta una sociedad utópica que libremente siembra y consume una flor que da placer con una sociedad donde la misma flor es ilegal y su consumo está prohibido. La animación es un ensayo sobre los costos s…



 FOOD DEMOCRACY / Rok za prijavu radova na MEMEFEST 2013 je 20. maj!

Vandana Shiva je indijska filozofkinja, ekološka aktivistica, ekofeministica i autorica koja nas sve može poučiti o odnosu kapitalizma do zemlje, hrane i semena. Njena maksima je seed & food democracy!

Pogledajte šta kaže o demokratiji hrane u predavanju sa nazivom: JUST FOOD!

Ove godine na Memefestovom festivalu čitamo The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply" (2000) - stariji tekst Vanda…



Obama garantiza imunidad para Monsanto / Obama grants inmunity for Monsanto

Numerosos medios alertan sobre la reciente aprobación de Barack Obama y el Senado a la ley HR 993, más conocida como la “Monsanto Protection Act” (Ley de protección de Monsanto), que le otorga a la corporación inmunidad a la hora de ser investigada.

Monsanto crece y lo hace a pasos agigantados. Ya vimos lo que está sucediendo en Sudamérica, pero ahora es el turno de Estados Unidos. La aprobaci…



Urban Farming & FRESH (The most awesome supermarket in the world)

Hey all! For the Memefest2013 theme of Food Democrazy, I just wanted to share some really promising recent initiatives from Copenhagen, Denmark:

First of all there is FRESH (subtitled: The most awesome supermarket in the world)

FRESH presents itself as "a holistic concept that goes beyond the boundaries", offering the citizens of Copenhagen a living supermarket in the city. Instead of simp…



The cost of inequality - OXFAM report

This report is worth to read! How rapidly growing extreme wealth and inequality are harmful to human progress.
We know a lot about the subject, but there are some number which makes you really really sad and angry...

For example this:
"The top 100 billionaires added $240 billion to their wealth in 2012- enough to
end world poverty four times over."

Or this:
Over the last thirty years i…




I came along a realy great project - a set of deck playing cards made with the help of 28 illustrator all over the world.

They visualised Wall Street executives and politicians who were (and still are) the master of (financial) distaster.

The cards are on sale through ROCKETHUB – crowfunding engine.
Another goal of the group is to print up a 1000 ecks of c…



The Crisis of Civilization in a movie


Like the book on which it is based, the film consists of seven parts which explore the interconnected dynamic of global crises of #Climate-Catastrophe; #Peak-Energy; #Peak-Food; #Economic-Instability; International #Terrorism; and the #Militarization Tendency -- with a final section on The #Post-Peak World



Call for Submissions