News / Conversations



Greece says "yes" to DEBT... and Memefest Friendly competition works evaluation goes in to final round!

Still, 26,9 % of the votes went to the "Siriza" party that opposes the debt driven politics enforced by EU and led by Germany. The pro debt politics oriented party "New Democracy" received 29,6 % of votes and is now building a coalition that will try to make sure the austerity measures will continue to enslave Greeks. But this is bad luck, because 55% of the voters actually voted for parties that…



DEBT: the right for education, affect, everyday life and solidarity with (student) protests in Montreal

While exciting works you have submitted to this years Memefest Festival, are being curated, here more on DEBT. It seems like the overwhelming tsunami like impact of Debt is being more and more reflected. Student protests like the ones in Montreal are doing a great deal to fight the devastating effects of debt regimes, together with theoretical reflections and communicative / artistic investigatio…



Indebted, Conversations in Political Economy with Maurizio Lazzarato (Paris)

Thursday, 31 May, 5pm, NAB LG01, A Goldsmiths' Centre for Cultural Studies event, with support from Departments of Anthropology and Sociology

In the current economic crisis we have entered into a new age of debt. In
spite of emergency loans, bailouts and liquidity injections, waves of
defaults, bankruptcies and capital drains have left the world economy
without cash. Governments, firms,…



In Debt as communicators?

David Graeber author of Debt- first 5000 years, one of the texts we use in this years Friendly competition outlines, is interviewed by Uprising Radio. Graeber speaks about the history of Debt, its current role and also about the Occupy movement in which he was involved from the very beginning.

The other video is his lecture on the same theme. Both are very well worth watching. Graeber is a in…



DEBT: Bankrupt banks, nationalise financial system, write off personal debt, occupy economics departments of universities

Economist Steve Keen ("As an economist, I do something very unusual: I treat money seriously.") is one of the few economists to have predicted the global financial crisis and now he says we are already in a Great Depression. He says the way to escape it is to bankrupt the banks, nationalise the financial system and write off people's debt.

Keen speaks also about the impact of economic universi…



Uskoro....  počinje MEMEFEST 2012!!!

Uskoro počinje Memefest 2012, Festival Društveno odzivne komunikacije i umetnosti!

Šta se dešava? Svašta. Puno novosti i izazova u 2012. godini je pred nama. Organizacijska ekipa festivala završava poslednje pripreme pre konačnog lansiranja novih sadržina. Pre svega to znači da je zvanični početak ovogodišnjeg festivala i prijateljskog takmičenja planiran za sledeću sedmicu.

Novi festival…



Proizvodnja života

Proizvodnja života, odnosno životnih stilova, nije ništa drugo nego vrsta komodifikacije: formalizirovanje i estetizovanje života postaje kategorija robnog dizajniranja. Ako robu mislimo u Marksovoj paradigmi robnog fetišizma, onda život nije ništa drugo do stil, a on je stvar estetike. Estetika je produkt dizajniranja, dizajn je formalizacija, a formalizacija je, tehnički gledeno, komodifikacija…



International women's day

is not about flowers, but about respect.



Money is a poor man's credit card

The quote "money is a poor man's credit card" comes from Marshall Mcluhan and fits perfect in out debt driven times.

Here are a few media that create a pretty good narrative perspective. First DJ Spooky remixed Mcluhan. Second one of his quotes speaking about professionalism and experts- btw, who runs the current world?- and some photos.
The last one, coming from Occupy, is particularly inte…



Nadie está solo

Convocar, discutir, debatir, experimentar y sentirte cercano al otro son acciones necesarias para crear nuevos puentes de comunicación.

Memefest México tiene como objetivo congregar para discutir juntos temas que a todos nos interesan y preocupan como sociedad y sobre los cuales todos tenemos una postura.

Nadie está solo, las conexiones son bastas en el mundo, las sociedades evolucionan, …