News / Conversations



Sicarios Económicos / Economic Hitmen

para +detalles ver "Confesiones de un Sicario Económico"
for more background see "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"



The First Official Cyberwar has begun

It was in 2004, when we created a whole Memefest Festival around the Cyberwar theme. Besides the "Design is not enough" manifesto, the main text that served as a festival provocation for people around the world to create media and texts, was "Cyberwar is coming." It was a highly important but also popular theme with our community

Few days ago, this video was published by the Anonymous group, d…



Paper Sky

Next one on our Blogging TV - images from MemeTV -series. This one was submitted to our second festival in year 2003. Really nice. I wonder what the author - Marco Perugini is doing this days.




Here is the next video from this short curated blogging TV from MemeTV series.

It was produced by students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, as part of a nation wide campaign we did at Poper studio.

The campaign was critiquing the Slovene involvement in the war in Afganistan..
You will see four figures, "Kurents" in the video. More about them …




In this short curated series that i'll call Blogging TV, we will have a look at some of the previous moving images Memefest submissions now all published at MEMETV. Here is the first one:

Empire is a 1 minute long video sequence of still webcam images of the \"Europa Center\" - Berlin - downloaded from the web and re-processed in Italy. Audio track is a sonic montage of fields recordings from …



“Goldman Sachs rules the world”. Media hoax, marketing campaign or pure truth?

I have come across this video yesterday and looked at it several times. I was astonished by the directness of this trader who told the whole world through the BBC that he dreams every night about a global economic crisis, because this situation will allow him to make big profits.

I had a conversation about it with Vida and she said that the trader did this on purpose, launching this controver…



Piano Project

Hey everybody; checkout quite fresh audio-video project from twisted-productions ...
Its all about communication between the primary forms of audio and visual;

For details visit

Regards comrades!



"Españistán" de Aleix Saló

Esta es la historia de un cani (o un choni, o un poligonero, ya saben…) que, en su empeño por deshacerse de la hipoteca, deberá recorrer el Reino de Españistán para enfretarse con todos y cada uno de los malandrines, meapilas y soplagaitasque lo pueblan, dando lugar a un relato plagado de tópicos, tacos y faltas de ortografía, con bien de lobbies, parados, mileuristas, pensionistas, funcionarios,…



Call Center Experience!

Hi all. I'd like to share with you a brand-new-project we've been working on for last mounths. Its name is Call Center Experience! and is about discovering the persons behind call center agents.
This video is part of a website which will be online for public use next days. I hope you enjoy it!



Korsakow, from film cuts & software codes

It's on campus in Bangalore, on campus in Melbourne and then again in Berlin and Montreal. The Korsakow System is on! "The what?," I thought, scratching my head. "Yeah, you know, Korsakow is a principle, a logic, with its own rules and structure," media artist Florian Thalhofer ( tells me over the phone. And so it is. Florian is the guy behind Korsakow. And to make thing…