News / Conversations



Mapping socially responsive communication workshop preparation Case study: Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Humanites in a self-imposed crisis

Case study: Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Humanites in a self-imposed crisis

End of October 2010 this document :
was sent to the mailing list of the Board for the defense of Higher education and scientific work by a professor of the Faculty of Arts. The board is a loose civil initiative consisting of academic staff…



Demonstrating Relevance: Memefest Exhibition in Berlin

We present in cooperatin with Loesje, Masta and Kulturlabor Trial&Error:

The Memefest exhibition: “DEMONSTRATING Relevance: Response-Ability” with selected visual communication works and critical content from all over the world.
An event for interactive participation to emancipate, reinterpret and act!

>>> and in German <<<

Die Memefest Ausstellung: “DEMONSTRATING Relevance: Respon…



Workshop: comunicação socialmente sensível

Não foi uma decisão fácil. Muitos participantes enviaram bons trabalhos para o festival desse ano. Dentre esses, os mentores do workshop - Oliver Vodeb, Tony Credland, Sandy Kaltenborn, Shoaib Nabi, Alain Bieber e Jason Grant - tiveram a difícil tarefa de escolher quais seriam convidados para Nijmegen, Holanda, em junho desse ano. Os critérios para participação no workshop de comunicação socialme…



Se publicaron los resultados del Festival. BUEN TRABAJO!

Guau, que fantástica respuesta! Comunicadores visuales, escritores críticos, artistas, educadores, activistas, investigadores de todo el mundo, respondieron a la propuesta y enviaron sus reflecciones en varios formatos. Nuestros curadores y editores trabajaron durante tres semanas, revisaron los trabajos recibidos y cada uno seleccionó un máximo de 7 trabajos. Como parte del Premio Memefest, ca…



See you at the Workshop!

It was not a easy decision to make. To many participants submitted good work to this year’s festival, too many of you we would like to work with in our workshop. However, we had to make a decision. Workshop mentors: Tony Credland, Sandy Kaltenborn, Shoaib Nabi, Alain Bieber, Jason Grant and myself were first discussing criteria than we selected separate lists and in the end one list of twenty p…



Cárcel para castigar la piratería en Colombia

Se acaba de abrir el debate en Colombia, acerca de la piratería, los derechos de autor y la forma de compartir contenidos en internet. Estamos ante una ley que puede llevar a la cárcel a quien viole y comparta información que esté protegida. La discusión apenas comenzó y ya tiene divido al país entorno al tema de la libertad de expresión y el libre intercambio de información y contenidos.

El …



Demonstrating Relevance: Response- Ability. Memefest exhibition in Ljubljana

Monday evening we opened first exhibition in a series of four. The exhibition will travel to Koper, Berlin and to this years final event held at Oddstream festival in Nijmegen in June. Exhibited are selected works from this years Friendly competition and past festivals. Works are presented in all different media, for you to see, read, listen, play with and reflect.

The event was very pleasant…



Trueque Digital Vol 2

La gran fiesta del intercambio digital se acerca y ya todo el mundo esta preparando sus CDs DVDs y USBs para cc-ompartir información. El trueque digital es una gran iniciativa de varias organizaciones, que promueven la libre cultura en Bogotá, y su idea es generar un espacio que permita el intercambio de conocimiento digital de manera legal.



Resultados publicados. OBRIGADO a todos que participaram!

Que fantástico feedback! Comunicadores visuais, críticos, artistas, educadores, ativistas e pesquisadores de várias partes do mundo responderam ao nosso tema e enviaram suas reflexões em diferentes mídias. Nossos curadores e editores trabalharam então durante três semanas, revisando as inscrições e selecionaram um máximo de 7 trabalhos cada um. Como parte do Prêmio Memefest, cada trabalho selecio…



Festival results published. GOOD WORK!

Wow, what a fantastic response! Visual communicators, critical writers, artists, educators, activists, researchers from around the world responded to our outlines and sent their reflections in various media. Our curators and editors worked three weeks, reviewed the submissions and selected max 7 works each. As part of Memefest Award, each work got substantial written feedback and all is publishe…