News / Conversations



I, pet goat II


Una historia sobre el fuego en el corazón de los que sufren.
Con la colaboración de bailarines, músicos, artistas visuales y animadores 3D, el corto hace una mirada crítica a los eventos de la década pasada que han moldeado nuestro mundo.

Programas utilizados: Maya, Vray, FumeFX, RealFlow

Sitio oficial:

Canción original "the Stream", escrita …



Silent Bullet - Musica13


Fragmento de la presentación de Warscape Sonata en el XXI Festival de Música 13 de Nau Coclea Camallera Catalunya.


Audio fragment from the live presentation of Warscape Sonata project played live as part of the Musica 13 Festival at Nau Coclea in Camallera Catalunya Spain.



Violencia en México en tiempos electorales

La información en la sociedad mexicana es importante para poder entender los sistemas de poder que oprimen al pueblo mexicano .
Este video que es parte de una serie de videos de Vice, es una mirada inteligente que denuncia lo que los sistemas de poder desde el estado hasta la delicuencia organizada se apoderan y violentan a la sociedad mexicana.
Esta mirada es una de tantas que estaremos comp…



Memefest 2012 Festival Poster

Created in collaboration with Montreal based designer and Memefest curatorial bord member Kevin Yuen Kit Lo, who visually beautifully designed Debt's dark world, here is this years Memefest poster.

We have been discussing a lot and in the end liked the concept of the dark urban space, with references to power- both on the side of banks and network/ bottom up organisations. We tried to balance …



La Doctrina del Shock / The Shock Doctrine

para ver el documental completo / to see full documentary



Money is a poor man's credit card

The quote "money is a poor man's credit card" comes from Marshall Mcluhan and fits perfect in out debt driven times.

Here are a few media that create a pretty good narrative perspective. First DJ Spooky remixed Mcluhan. Second one of his quotes speaking about professionalism and experts- btw, who runs the current world?- and some photos.
The last one, coming from Occupy, is particularly inte…



Game Show Debord

This is pretty fantastic. A game show spectacle uses Guy Debord as content.

I would be interested to see how would Debord comment on this.

Just a little reminder: "The spectacle is not a collection of images, rather, it is a social relationship between people that is mediated by images." Society of Spectacle: Guy Debord. What kind of social relations are becoming visible through this image…



Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere: the contagion of revolution

A recent article published in THE NATIONAL newspaper in the United Arab Emirates. An interesting point stated "... the Arab Spring itself is part of a global wave of unrest triggered ultimately by the ongoing disorderly collapse of globalisation in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008." Re…



Clay Shirky: Why SOPA is a bad idea

"But where the DMCA was surgical, [...], the SOPA and PIPA are nuclear. [...]"



Welcome to Pine Point!

Credited to Paul Shoebridge, Michael Simons and the National Film Board of Canada this is one of the most beautiful and strong pieces of interactive story telling I have seen and one of my favourite works submitted to Memefest.

In the authors words: "Imagine your hometown never changed. That no one ever grew old or moved on. Part book, part film, part family photo album, Welcome to Pine Point…