News / Conversations



Slovenian national public TV always an issue

Slovenia could be proud of the national television. National public TV was traditionally quite good, with program covering different thematics related to wide audiences.

But some years ago the TV was parazited and sucked by the right wing government who won the ellections. What happened was umbelivable:
- a new law which was written by one person in extremely short time, without public debat…



First Person Digital Online

"First Person Digital is coming up real fast," said Reisa Levine when I met her over coffee last week. The web project manager from Montreal was putting the final touches on the organizing of FPD, a collab between Studio XX - a Montreal feminist digital art centre - and the NFB - Canada's public film producer.

One week later, First Person Digital is launched with a fresh blend of artists on t…



Caπtal works Delo

Last friday Slovenian main newspaper called Delo (Work) decided to sell the front page to Generali and put a Generali add with a Delo head instead of the normal front page. A critical group of young researchers and teaching assistants from the Faculty of Social Sciences-University of Ljubljana working under the name PI (precarious incubator) an initiative for precarious workers at the University …



Flusser and the Outright Dis

The a-synchronicity of electronic mail to a complete stranger strips out all requirement of social obligation and, in turn, relies only on content to motivate the receiver in their response. In other words, when using text based communication -- with a person whom you have never met -- that person is not socially obligated to respond to you: they can easily delete your message, toss your letter i…



Forms of resistance: pro-commons activism

Juan M. Prada is spanish critical thinker. He writes about digital aesthetics and new forms of resistance. The focal points of his research are: social networks, communication, aesthetics, biopolitics and forms of resistance.
He coordinates the platform . It is about social web and radicality of the P2P Paradigm.
Here is another JMP good txt about Econo…



Real media life stickers

I like this sticker concept. One of the better i have seen in a while. For some time it seemed to me that the imagination around the sticker medium was having troubles going beyond fun. I have reviewed thousands of stickers while being a jury member at the first international sticker award: After the first few years of highly original sticker art/communication the c…




RE:akt! - meaning not only “to act again” but “to respond to/react upon” and “Regarding: act!”- confronts current ideological and intellectual canons, power structures, policies, and distribution channels by re-enacting selected historical events. Through processes of analysis, deconstruction, re-enactment and (re-)reporting, the intermedia research and presentation project …



The real life social network

Here is a interesting look in to the life of our real social networks. On-line and off line.



360 degrees projection

Today I visited the World Wide Video Festival, one of the first media-art festivals in the world that started in 1982 and organised their last festival in 2004. Nowadays they are focussing on 360 degrees panorama projections and cooperation with artists around the globe. It was an inspiring meeting and we discussed the possibility to create a 360 degrees projections related to 'love;conflict, con…



Class Wargames presents: Guy Debord’s “The Game of War”

Just got an email from Richard Barbrook- whose fantastic "The High-Tech Gift Economy" text is going to be published in our Memefest reader this November.

He is working on this fantastic project. Here is a description and the first part of the movie:

“In the early-1970s, Debord created his film adaptation of The Society of the Spectacle by splicing together clips taken from other people’s…