News / Conversations



Theory and Revolutionary practice

Why is theory vital for revolutionary practice? Read and re-think!



Taking Back the Tech

All of you use it. Some people misuse it. I'm talking about technology. Communication technology like cellphones or internet access points are particularly appreciated by those who use technology to get under your skin. They track you, observe you, CCTV you, have sex with you... in their dreams! The misuse of technology has been growing with the increased use of video games, internet porn portals…



Theory and Activism

Theory ** Can BE USeful



Slovenian national public TV always an issue

Slovenia could be proud of the national television. National public TV was traditionally quite good, with program covering different thematics related to wide audiences.

But some years ago the TV was parazited and sucked by the right wing government who won the ellections. What happened was umbelivable:
- a new law which was written by one person in extremely short time, without public debat…



Caπtal works Delo

Last friday Slovenian main newspaper called Delo (Work) decided to sell the front page to Generali and put a Generali add with a Delo head instead of the normal front page. A critical group of young researchers and teaching assistants from the Faculty of Social Sciences-University of Ljubljana working under the name PI (precarious incubator) an initiative for precarious workers at the University …



Conflict Kitchen

Food speaks about culture, ideology, aesthetics, politics and of course power.
Exactly power is the topic this wonderful project deals with. Conflict kitchen from Pittsburgh serves only food from Countries, America is in conflict with. This is a strong message this folks are communicating to their community. The whole process is organized around human experience and contact. People can talk, dis…



Forward to Basics - Openwear Collaborative Collection Workshop

I have been working on this project with my studio for almost a year now. It is a completely new field for me- fashion. But what we are trying to do here is to change the very logic of the fashion business. Open source, participation, community education and peer to peer economic models are probably the main key words. Here is a nice video about the thoughts of our workshop participants, who have…



Las pequeñas acciones que transgreden conceptos

Dos mujeres caminan por la calle, es un acción simple y común. Pero que sucede cuándo usan un elemento símbolico tradicional y además estigmatizado?



The meeting in Berlin

Once upon a time a girl, an object, an idea and a word, that has different meaning in different languages met. In place, described by Jean Paul as “the part of the world rather than a city” they had a meeting. They all brought along the will to create better opportunities for the individuals in the society, enthusiasm about visual communications as opinion sharing tool and vision that social chan…



Memefest Latinoamérica

Desde hoy empieza la tarea de recuperar el camino que en un momento nos llevó a la construcción del Memefest Latinoamérica y espero poder encontrar muchos aliados. Necesitamos volver a la discusión, de nuevo mostrar los trabajos de diseñadores y artistas que mediante una profunda reflexión, convencimiento y creatividad, presentaron en versiones anteriores del festival proyectos importantes que lo…