News / Conversations



Love for Memefest posters*

Traditionally Memefest puts special attention to the poster medium for each festivals promotional campaign. It's probably the love for paper and a visual communication tool which is tightly and historically connected to social movements. But it's also the potential effectiveness of the poster which is important. Every year we choose to work with someone whom we like and whose work we respect. It'…



First Person Digital Online

"First Person Digital is coming up real fast," said Reisa Levine when I met her over coffee last week. The web project manager from Montreal was putting the final touches on the organizing of FPD, a collab between Studio XX - a Montreal feminist digital art centre - and the NFB - Canada's public film producer.

One week later, First Person Digital is launched with a fresh blend of artists on t…



Conflict 1#

Jason and i are working on posters for this year LOVE:CONFLICT:IMAGINATION Memefest theme. Posters are conceptualized around the relation between the three words. We will try to create a open narration, that can be interpreted and reinterpreted by the viewer. Still we are providing a framework of reference to this years festival guidelines. We are experimenting with photography this time.




We are all workers?

Advertising, besides it many problematic dimensions can still be used as a media, a vehicle for communicating beneficial messages. A tricky thing and a slippery terrain, indeed. What i mean with beneficial messages is the concept of embedding a communication surplus, that works beyond the signifying regimes of the brand. For example: a product- that in itself is not harmful can be advertised i…



Caπtal works Delo

Last friday Slovenian main newspaper called Delo (Work) decided to sell the front page to Generali and put a Generali add with a Delo head instead of the normal front page. A critical group of young researchers and teaching assistants from the Faculty of Social Sciences-University of Ljubljana working under the name PI (precarious incubator) an initiative for precarious workers at the University …



Conflict Kitchen

Food speaks about culture, ideology, aesthetics, politics and of course power.
Exactly power is the topic this wonderful project deals with. Conflict kitchen from Pittsburgh serves only food from Countries, America is in conflict with. This is a strong message this folks are communicating to their community. The whole process is organized around human experience and contact. People can talk, dis…



Mapping communication?

I have started to be interested in mapping projects long ago. The first really inspiring project i saw some 8 years ago was the ongoing "mapping of power structures" project dome by Bureau d' etudes and Memefest collaborator Brian Holmes. Here is one example of this fantastic work:

This was also something, that fascinated me: Skitter grap…



Flusser and the Outright Dis

The a-synchronicity of electronic mail to a complete stranger strips out all requirement of social obligation and, in turn, relies only on content to motivate the receiver in their response. In other words, when using text based communication -- with a person whom you have never met -- that person is not socially obligated to respond to you: they can easily delete your message, toss your letter i…



No Fun

0100101110101101.ORG did this on-line performance titled No Fun, using Chat roulette

One of the better projects i have seen in a long time, this is hard core.
Have a look at it and think about the chatters responses to this shocking image that waited for them.




An exciting animation that makes fun of 'our' corporate world! The animation includes over 2.500 logo's. Here is just the trailer on vimeo you can find the complete animation.

Logorama explores the extent to which logos are embedded in our daily existence. Said members of H5, "Logorama presents us with an over-marketed world built only from logos and real trademarks that are destroyed by a ser…