News / Conversations



Choose and be damned.

Suddenly, in the digital age, a personal decision like logging off Facebook is not in my hands anymore. It is inextricably linked to my “friends”, work, groups and notes. It does not matter if I continue to gag over photographs of candles shot with a flash, or kill myself over someone’s umpteenth picture of their boyfriend’s stubble. And clearly invasion of privacy or voyeurism are non-issues. …



Coletivos e redes locais

Nos campos da cultura e tecnologia, muita movimentação ocorreu no Brasil nos últimos anos. Iniciativas governamentais e não-governamentais louváveis que emergiram visando a inclusão digital, a discussão do impacto das tecnologias ou simplesmente a produção criativa com os meios disponíveis encontraram espaço para se desenvolver e prosperar, não sem esforço, é claro. Não saberia dizer agora detalh…




Love is un-desrcibable, some say it does not exist, some say it is the best thing that could happen to a person, mothers would admit that the love for a child is an amazing feeling...being in love is also pretty much exciting and fulfilling.
Love is close and yet so far in describing it. Love is also close and yet so far from control. It is a great question if love and control are connected or,…




A plataforma internacional foi oficialmente lançada. Na internet, o Memefest aparece dessa vez em inglês, português, sérvio e espanhol. Cartazes estão sendo espalhados pelas ruas das cidades Ljubljana, Maribor, Koper, Berlim, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bogotá, Belgrado, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne e diferentes cidades da Holanda. Em junho de 2011 acontece lá, na cidade de Nijmegen, o Oddstream, u…



Memefest posters arround the World!

UPDATE 13.1. 2011. Added are photos (last 4) from posters in Belgrade.

We are very excited to show you first photos from our posters in the streets of various Cities from around the World.

Following are Memefest LOVE:CONFLICT:IMAGINATION posters that are right now hanging in the streets of Brisbane, Belgrade and Rio de Janeiro. We will update this post with other places whenever we get new …



BOOKS for Vijecnica - Action project, Bosnia and Herzegovina

I just received this email. Let's do something!

Dear Sir/Madam,

BOOKS4VIJECNICA is an action project, initiated by Humanity in Action Senior Fellow Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Our initiative is to re-establish the destroyed book collection of Vijecnica, the National Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina !
During the four-year long siege of Sarajevo, from 1992 till 1995, Vijecnica was…



Slovenian national public TV always an issue

Slovenia could be proud of the national television. National public TV was traditionally quite good, with program covering different thematics related to wide audiences.

But some years ago the TV was parazited and sucked by the right wing government who won the ellections. What happened was umbelivable:
- a new law which was written by one person in extremely short time, without public debat…



We are all workers?

Advertising, besides it many problematic dimensions can still be used as a media, a vehicle for communicating beneficial messages. A tricky thing and a slippery terrain, indeed. What i mean with beneficial messages is the concept of embedding a communication surplus, that works beyond the signifying regimes of the brand. For example: a product- that in itself is not harmful can be advertised i…



Conflict Kitchen

Food speaks about culture, ideology, aesthetics, politics and of course power.
Exactly power is the topic this wonderful project deals with. Conflict kitchen from Pittsburgh serves only food from Countries, America is in conflict with. This is a strong message this folks are communicating to their community. The whole process is organized around human experience and contact. People can talk, dis…



Las pequeñas acciones que transgreden conceptos

Dos mujeres caminan por la calle, es un acción simple y común. Pero que sucede cuándo usan un elemento símbolico tradicional y además estigmatizado?