News / Conversations



Where has this world gone?

Here is a stamp from 1981 declaring India's solidarity with Palestinian people.

Where has this world gone?



A Colourful Ruse

It has been a while. But I must say I have enjoyed the break. Blogging since 2003 is not always easy, although it is mostly fun, rewarding, interesting and satisfying. Sometimes though, a break is nice and good to have. No matter how I turn it around, and how much technologies change the media sphere, still- communicating through autonomous channels is one of the key elements of a public sphere w…



The lump sum grant



Keep the Fire Burning! Contribution Through Collaboration- Some Post Food Democracy Event Thoughts

Last week we finished the official part of the second Memefest/QCA extradisciplinary seminar/workshop/direct action here at the Queensland College of Art in Brisbane. The theme was Food Democracy, and we wanted to explore it in relation to local Brisbane. We worked together with the wonderful and inspirational people of the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy in order to strengthen the food pro…



Keep the Fire Burning! Memefest/QCA Food Democracy Brisbane Seminar/Workshop/Direct Action

We are excited to announce this year’s special Memefest /QCA workshop. A few more days to go and we will meet in Brisbane. Bellow you can find information regarding the event and the program.

GOALS: The workshop/seminar aims to research FOOD DEMOCRACY in relation to current Brisbane. The whole event will focus on the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy and its radical food program. We will …



Brazil and its political prisoners, contemporary dictatorship and military police

RIO DE JANEIRO – On Tuesday, 15 October, 2013, more than 200 protestors were arrested by the Rio de Janeiro state Military Police, as part of the continuing criminalization of social movements in the city. Those arrested were sent in small groups to over 10 different police stations, with the clear objective of impeding their access to legal assistance.

On Monday, 21 October, the Brazilian Ju…



Memefest Brisbane Seminar/Workshop/ Intervention- Food Democracy PROGRAM DRAFT! we go. Bellow is a draft of the program for the event here in Brisbane that will take place from the 4.11.-11.11.

(update (25.10): there have already been few changes made since this was posted)

Have a look, especially the event participants, and let us know what you think. The finished version will be published end of this following week.




Keep the Fire Burning! Memefest FOOD DEMOCRACY Seminar/Workshop/ Direct Action event in Brisbane

This years Memefest event will be held from November 4th to November 11th in Brisbane. We are very exited to announce that the project will be a special collaboration with the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy. Investigating further the topic of Food Democracy, we will focus on the Embassy's food program and create communication design/art that will through intervention in the city of Brisban…



31.5.  ističe rok za predaju festivalskih radova!

Svi koji ste zainteresovani i do sad niste imeali vremena da sednete i otkucate svoje misli te prijavite svoj rad na MEMEFEST, to možete uraditi u narednih 5 dana. Zadnji dan za predaju festivalskih radova na temu DEMOKRATIJE HRANE je 31.5. do ponoći.

Dobra ispiracija - da u narednim danima napišete kritički tekst ili uradite vizuelni kritički rad - je jučerašnji PROTEST PROTI MONSANTU, koji …



The Flower / La Flor (2010) Haik Hoisington

si bien el video apunta específicamente al tratamiento de la flor de marihuana, es extensible a la producción y al consumo de productos derivados de la naturaleza en general

“The Flower” contrasta una sociedad utópica que libremente siembra y consume una flor que da placer con una sociedad donde la misma flor es ilegal y su consumo está prohibido. La animación es un ensayo sobre los costos s…